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CC PACKET 07222014 Wilshire Park SRTS Plan
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CC PACKET 07222014 Wilshire Park SRTS Plan
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7/23/2014 4:28:40 PM
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Benefits of Walking and Bicycling to School <br />Safe Routes to Schools programs directly benefit <br />schoolchildren, parents and teachers by creating a safer SRTS benefits children: <br />travel environment near schools and by reducing motor <br />vehicle congestion at school drop-off and pick-up zones. <br />Students that choose to bike or walk to school are rewarded <br />with the health benefits of a more active lifestyle, with the <br />responsibility and independence that comes from being in <br />charge of the way they travel. They learn at an early age that <br />bicycling and walking can be safe, enjoyable and good for the <br />environment. <br />Safe Routes to Schools programs offer ancillary benefits to <br />neighborhoods by helping to slow traffic and by providing <br />infrastructure improvements that facilitate bicycling and <br />walking for everyone. Identifying and improving routes for <br />children to safely walk and bicycle to school is also one of <br />the most cost-effective means of reducing weekday morning <br />traffic congestion and can help reduce auto -related <br />pollution. <br />In addition to safety and traffic improvements, a SRTS <br />program helps integrate physical activity into the everyday <br />routine of school children. Counteracting the trend towards <br />sedentary lifestyles have become the focus of statewide and <br />national efforts to reduce health risks associated with being <br />overweight. Children who bike or walk to school have an <br />overall higher activity level than those who are driven to <br />school, even though the journey to school makes only a small <br />contribution to activity levels. Active kids are healthy kids. <br />Walking or bicycling to school is an easy way to make sure <br />that children get daily physical activity. <br />1 <br />• Increased physical fitness and cardiovascular <br />health <br />• Increased ability to focus on school <br />• A sense of independence and confidence about <br />their transportation and their neighborhood <br />SRTS benefits neighborhoods: <br />• Improved air quality as fewer children are driven <br />to school <br />• Decreased crashes and congestion as fewer <br />children are driven to school <br />• More community involvement as parents, <br />teachers and neighbors get involved and put <br />"eyes on the street" <br />SRTS benefits schools: <br />• Fewer discipline problems because children <br />arrive "ready to learn" <br />• Fewer private cars arriving to drop off and pick <br />up children <br />• Opportunities to integrate walking, bicycling and <br />transportation topics into curriculum (e.g. "Walk <br />& Bike Across America,') <br />• Increased efficiency and safety during drop off <br />and pick up times <br />Wilshire Park Elementary School Safe Routes to School Plan 13 <br />
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