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June 16, 2014 <br />Page 3 <br />Title XV Land Usage, Chapter 155 Sign Code, Section §155.03 defines an "Electronic Message Sign" <br />as "any sign that displays a message electronically through the use of pixel -based technology, such <br />as but not limited to light emitting diodes (LEDs), liquid crystal, etc. <br />CONCLUSIONS <br />Electronic message signs are permitted in the ROS — Recreation Open Space Zoning District on property <br />that is owned by the city or Independent School District No. 282. Currently there are three (3) electronic <br />message signs located within the City, including one at City Hall, one at Wilshire Park Elementary School, <br />and one at St. Anthony High School. <br />Historically the City of St. Anthony Village has not approved text amendments to allow electronic <br />message signs on property that are outside of the ROS — Recreation/Open Space Zoning District. In the <br />past, the Planning Commission and City Council have reviewed requests for a text amendment, which <br />included an analysis of the change in message (scrolling, flashing, blinking, animations, etc.), colors <br />allowed (monochromatic vs. array of colors), automatic shutoff and dimming features, size limitations, <br />message timing, placement and spacing between multiple electronic signs, etc. <br />The Planning Commission may consider whether an amendment to Chapter 155: Sign Code is desired to <br />allow electronic message signs in the C District or not. <br />POTENTIAL ACTIONS <br />1. Request Additional Information and Continue the Public Hearing. Should the Planning <br />Commission request additional information from the Applicant, the Planning Commission should <br />continue the public hearing until a later time. <br />2. Recommend Approval of the Proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment. In the event of a <br />recommendation for approval (with or without modifications), the Planning Commission may <br />refer to Exhibit C and may modify the draft ordinance for approval to include any amendments <br />that it deems necessary. <br />3. Recommend Denial of the Proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment. In the event the <br />Planning Commission chooses denial of the requested zoning ordinance text amendment, it <br />should clearly state its reasons for the denial recommendation and direct staff to prepare a <br />resolution of denial for consideration at the City Council meeting. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Exhibit A: <br />Location map <br />Exhibit B: <br />Application and Supporting Material <br />Exhibit C: <br />Draft Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance <br />