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1 Ms. Olsonoski indicated Bill Sauer, a former St. Anthony Councilmember, <br />? and George and Ruth Thompson who were present for the discussion, would <br />3 be working on the project with her. She said she hoped to be able to <br />4 take advantage of Bill and Duffy Sauer's experience with queen contests <br />5 for this project. <br />6 Mayor Sundland commented that he perceived there was a lot of support <br />7 and enthusiasm on the Council to help with the float and getting it <br />8 financed. <br />9 UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />10 Resolution Vacating Portions of Wilson and Coolidge Street and Assuring <br />11 Relocation of Sanitary Sewer Lines Adopted by Council for LaNel <br />12 Atartment Project <br />13 Mr. Soth had suggested in his November 21st letter that the existing <br />14 easement be vacated with the vacation made effective only upon the <br />15 developers granting a new easement acceptable to the City and the <br />16 relocating the sewer line to the new easement. A copy of the proposed <br />17 resolution had been provided with his letter. <br />18 Council Action <br />19 Motion by Ranallo, seconded by Marks to adopt Resolution 88-046 with the <br />20 new provision for vacating the existing utility easement recommended by <br />21 the City Attorney. <br />�2 <br />RESOLUTION 88-046 <br />23 A RESOLUTION VACATING A PART OF TWO STREETS <br />24 AND A PORTION OF EASEMENT <br />25 Motion carried unanimously. <br />26 DEPARTMENT AND COMMITTEE REPORTS <br />27 The following were accepted and ordered filed as informational: <br />28 *Hance and LeVahn report of cases the law firm had prosecuted for the <br />29 City in Hennepin County District Court up to and including November <br />30 2, 1988; <br />31 *October, 1988 Fire Department Report; <br />32 *September, 1988 Financial Summary. <br />33 CONTINUATION OF COUNCIL REPORTS <br />34 First Meeting of St. Anthony Historical Committee Held <br />21 <br />