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PUBLIC HEARING <br />2 Assessments Hearing on St Anthony Boulevard Reconstruction Continued <br />3 to December 13th <br />4 At 10:25 P.M. the Mayor opened the hearing on the proposed assessments <br />5 against Gross Golf Course and Sunset Memorial Cemetery property for the <br />6 above improvement and requested a motion to continue the hearing until <br />7 the Council's next meeting. <br />8 Council Action <br />9 Motion by Enrooth, seconded by Marks to continue the public hearing on <br />10 the assessments for improvements on the St. Anthony Boulevard <br />11 Reconstruction Project until the Council's December 13, 1988 meeting. <br />12 <br />13 NEW BUSINESS <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />14 Resolution Affirming St. Anthony Affirmative Action Program Adopted <br />15 Ms. VanderHeyden told the Councilmembers she knew there would need to <br />16 be some minor changes made in the draft of the above document in their <br />17 agenda packet but assured them that any typos, etc. would be corrected <br />18 before the resolution was formally filed. <br />�9 Council Action <br />20 Motion by Ranallo, seconded by Marks to adopt Resolution 88-045. <br />21 <br />RESOLUTION 88-045 <br />22 A RESOLUTION OF AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN EMPLOYMENT <br />23 Motion carried unanimously. <br />24 UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />25 Second Reading Approved for Charitable Gambling Ordinance <br />26 The City Attorney had highlighted the exceptions in the above document <br />27 as suggested by Councilmember Makowske at the last Council meeting. <br />28 Council Action <br />29 Motion by Ranallo, seconded by Enrooth to approve the second reading of <br />30 Ordinance 1988-011 which permits the sale of pull tabs for charitable <br />31 purposes in the two City on -sale liquor establishments. <br />z2 <br />ORDINANCE 1988-011 <br />25 <br />