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14 <br />1 Although the insurance industry would be making its first inspection <br />2 of the City firefighting facilities since 1973 in the next few weeks, <br />3 Mr. Childs based the above prediction on the fact that there had <br />4 been little or no change in either the City's or Fire Department's <br />5 size in the last 15 years. He said a change in rating points either <br />6 up or down would probably have little effect on the amount of <br />7 Homeowners Insurance premiums residents would have to pay. <br />8 UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />9 Wheels Set in Motion for City's Music Pavilion (Bandshell) <br />10 Councilmember Ranallo proposed adoption of the resolution which <br />11 would support the above project being placed on the priority list for <br />12 funding as part of the "Celebrate Minnesota 1990" observance. <br />13 Council Action <br />14 Motion by Marks, seconded by Enrooth to adopt Resolution 88-026. <br />15 <br />RESOLUTION 88-026 <br />16 A RESOLUTION APPROVING FUNDING FOR A MUSIC <br />17 BANDSHELL IN ST. ANTHONY VILLAGE AS PART OF THE <br />18 "CELEBRATE MINNESOTA 1990" OBSERVANCE <br />19 <br />Notion carried unanimously. <br />20 Second Reading of Ordinance Exempting City From License/Permit Fees <br />21 Approved <br />22 Motion by Ranallo, seconded by Marks to approve the second reading of <br />23 Ordinance 1988-006. <br />24 <br />ORDINANCE 1988-006 <br />25 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO LICENSING, <br />26 EXEMPTING THE CITY FROM LICENSING FEES <br />27 AND REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 510:00 OF THE <br />28 1973 CODE OF ORDINANCES <br />29 <br />Notion carried unanimously. <br />31 Motion by Ranallo, seconded by Enrooth to adjourn the meeting at 9:31 <br />32 P.M. for the St. Anthony Housing and Redevelopment Authority meeting <br />33 which followed immediately. <br />34 Notion carried unanimously. <br />