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CC PACKET 09232014
City Council
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CC PACKET 09232014
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Last modified
7/30/2015 8:57:14 AM
Creation date
9/18/2014 9:23:52 AM
City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
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4 <br />City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />September 9, 2014 <br />Page 2 <br />Mayor Faust opened the public hearing at 7:02 p.m. <br />3 Finance Director Rueckert stated that the proposed 2015 general operating budget and <br />4 preliminary tax levy were presented to the City Council on August 26, 2014, and no changes <br />5 have been made since that time. She stated that salary adjustments are estimated at 2015 union <br />6 settlement amounts, health insurance premiums will increase 10.5% with the City's share <br />7 estimated at 2015 union settlement amounts, the State has increased the PERA pension funding <br />8 requirements by 5.9% for police and fire and 3.5% for non -police and fire, workers' <br />9 compensation insurance costs are expected to increase 13%, property, casualty and liability <br />10 insurance costs will increase 12.25%, and utility costs are budgeted at a 5.1 % increase and reflect <br />11 proposed rate increases based on current consumption levels. She stated the 2015 overall levy is <br />12 $5,831,737, an increase of $218,900 or 3.9% over 2014. She discussed the impact of levy relief <br />13 and debt levy reduction and stated the average homeowner paid $813.14 for City services in <br />14 2014 or $67.76 per month and the average homeowner paid $460.70 for the road reconstruction <br />15 program during 2014 or $38.40 per month. She stated that since 1999 the City has received <br />16 approximately $18 million in grants and donations, or $2,276 per resident. She stated the 2015 <br />17 general operating budget is $6,705,729, the increase in salaries, health insurance, and other <br />18 operating cost increases have been mitigated by the 2015 increase in LGA, liquor operation <br />19 transfers total $395,444, and the overall increase in all levies is 3.9%. She stated the Minnesota <br />20 Department of Revenue recently reminded taxpayers that money is being left on the table for <br />21 property tax refunds and urged residents to determine whether they qualify for a property tax <br />22 refund. She stated that another public hearing would be held on December 9, 2014, followed by <br />23 final adoption of the 2015 general operating budget and property tax levy at that time. <br />24 <br />25 Mayor Faust closed the public hearing at 7:21 p.m. <br />26 <br />27 Motion by Councilmember Roth, seconded by Councilmember Stille, to adopt Resolution 14- <br />28 057; a Resolution Setting the Proposed 2015 Tax Levy and General Operating Budget for the <br />29 City of St. Anthony Village. <br />30 <br />31 Motion carried unanimously. <br />32 <br />33 B. Resolution 14-058; a Resolution Approving the Agreement for Residential Solid Waste <br />34 and Recycling Collection Services in Saint Anthony Village between the City and the <br />35 Consortium of Republic Services Walters Recycling and Refuse and Waste <br />36 Management and Authorizingthe e Mayor and City Manager to Execute Said Agreement. <br />37 <br />38 Mayor Faust opened the public hearing at 7:22 p.m. <br />39 <br />40 City Manager Casey explained that the recently enacted Organized Collection Statute requires an <br />41 exclusive 60 -day negotiation period with current licensed residential collectors and requires that <br />42 the City identify its priorities, that the collectors maintain their respective market share, and that <br />43 the terms of a contract be between 3-7 years. He advised that on April 30, 2014, the City began <br />44 its 60 -day exclusive negotiations with Allied Republic, Walters Recycling and Refuse, and <br />45 Waste Management, on June 30, 2014, the City Council received the initial proposal, and on <br />46 August 12, 2014, the City Council received a revised proposal and authorized staff to schedule a <br />47 public hearing on the proposal. He explained that the Organized Collection Statute is a <br />48 consumer driven statute intended to ensure consistent delivery of services, provide accountability <br />
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