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HRA AGENDA 11221988
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HRA AGENDA 11221988
Entry Properties
Last modified
2/20/2015 2:33:43 PM
Creation date
1/19/2015 2:45:32 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Housing Redevelopment Authority
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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If to HRA: 3301 N.E. Silver Lake Road <br />St. Anthony, Minnesota 55418 <br />Each notice shall be deemed given to, or served upon, the party _ <br />to whom addressed on the date the notice is deposited in the <br />United States registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, <br />properly addressed in the manner above provided. <br />14. Binding Eff_Qct. All covenants, agreements, <br />warranties and provis9.ons of. this agreement shall be binding <br />upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their <br />respective heirs, representatives, successors and assigns. <br />15. Closing With Redevgloper. Notwithstanding <br />anything to the contrary hereinabove contained, this Purchase <br />Agreement is expressly contingent upon the simultaneous closinq <br />of the sale of the Property to the Redeveloper. The Date of <br />Closing provided for herein shall be extended to such later <br />date as may be dictated by operation of the provisions hereof. <br />If the sale to the Redeveloper has not occurred on or before <br />February 1, 1989, then Owner and the HRA shall each have the <br />right, at their option, to terminate this Agreement by written <br />notice to the other party, in which event neither the HRA nor <br />Owner shall be further liable hereunder. <br />16. (Intentionally Omitted] <br />17. Release of Other Interests. Owner, as the owner <br />of Owner's Remaining Real Estate, is or may be a beneficiary of <br />various easements and other interests encumbering portions of <br />the parcel of land that the HRA will be selling to the <br />Redeveloper. On the Date of Closing, in exchange for the <br />payment of the purchase price hereunder and without any <br />requirement of additional consideration, Owner will release any <br />rights which it has in the easements and other interests listed <br />in Exhibit D attached hereto and made a part hereof. <br />18. Reimbursement for Parking Lot Repairs. The HRA <br />agrees to reimburse Owner for up to $10,000 in expenses <br />incurred by Owner after the date hereof for (i) repairing the <br />area of the boundary between the Property and Owner's Remaining <br />Real Estate and for (ii) resurfacing the parking lot on Owner's <br />Remaining Real Estate. The HRA shall pay Owner such amount <br />upon receipt by the HRA of copies of invoices paid by the Owner <br />for such work. It is understood and agreed that such payment <br />of up to $10,000 by the HRA is in lieu of the payment of any <br />relocation costs or other compensation to the Owner or to any <br />tenants or subtenants of the Property or of Owner's Remaining <br />Real Estate. The obligation of the HRA to reimburse Owner as <br />specified in this paragraph shall survive and continue in full <br />-7- <br />
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