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The City is served by Independent School District (ISD) #282 (St. Anthony), which has a <br />2009/2010 enrollment of approximately 1,650, operates one elementary school, a junior <br />high and senior high in the City. In addition, a private school, St. Charles Borromeo, <br />offers K -8 grade education with enrollment of approximately 325 students. <br />The City operates as a statutory Council - Manager form of government. Policy- making <br />and legislative authority are vested in the City Council consisting of one elected mayor <br />and four council members. The City Council is responsible, among other things, for <br />passing ordinances, adopting the budget, appointing committees, and hiring the City <br />Manager. The City Manager is responsible for carrying out the policies and ordinances <br />of the City Council, overseeing the day -to -day operations of the City, and appointing the <br />heads of the various departments. The Council is elected on a non - partisan basis. <br />Council members serve four -year staggered terms, with two council members elected <br />every two years. The Mayor is elected to serve a four -year term. <br />The City of St. Anthony provides a full range of services including administrative <br />services; police protection; fire suppression and prevention; construction of capital <br />improvements, reconstruction and maintenance of city streets and other infrastructure; <br />distribution of water; sanitary sewer collection; storm water drainage; parks and <br />recreational activities; forestry maintenance; and recycling. <br />The St. Anthony Firefighters' Relief Association is a separate legal entity, and <br />accordingly is excluded from this report. The St. Anthony Housing and Redevelopment <br />Authority (HRA), an entity legally separate from the City, is governed by a board which <br />includes the City Council. Its sole purpose is to promote economic development within <br />the City of St. Anthony. The HRA is a component unit of the City and its financial <br />transactions have been included in these financial statements as a blended component <br />unit. Additional information on both of these legally separate entities can be found in <br />Note I(A) & 6(D) in the notes to the financial statements. <br />The annual budget serves as the foundation for the City of St. Anthony's financial <br />planning and control. All departments of the City of St. Anthony submit requests for <br />appropriations to the City Manager in June of each year. The City Manager uses these <br />requests as the starting point for developing the recommended budget. The City Manager <br />then presents the recommended budget to the City Council for their review prior to the <br />certification of the proposed levy to the County Auditors by September 15th. The City <br />Council is required to hold public hearings on the proposed budget and to adopt a final <br />budget by December 31, the close of the City of St. Anthony's fiscal year. <br />The appropriated budget is prepared for the General Fund by function (e.g., public <br />safety), and department (e.g., police), and object code (e.g., salaries). Department heads <br />may make transfers of appropriations within a department. Transfers of appropriations <br />between departments, however, require the approval of the City Council. Budget -to- <br />actual comparisons are provided on Statement 9 as required supplementary information <br />to the basic financial statements for the governmental funds. <br />