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Smoke Alarms <br />Facts <br />Smoke alarms save lives. <br />According to the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association), roughly <br />half of home fire deaths result from fire reported between 11 pm and <br />7 am. <br />Survey in 2010 96% of homes stated they have at least one smoke <br />detector <br />NFPA also reports that 3 out of every 5 home fire deaths resulted from <br />fires in homes with no smoke alarms or none working smoke alarms. <br />35% of reported Fires from 2007-2011 had 60% of the fatalities <br />Death rate per fire more than doubles with no smoke alarms or no <br />working smoke alarms <br />Of the fires where the smoke detector did not work - 47% the battery <br />had been disconnected or removed. Dead battery was another 24%. <br /> <br />17