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CC PACKET 11102015
City Council
City Council Packets
CC PACKET 11102015
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Last modified
11/30/2015 9:16:54 AM
Creation date
11/30/2015 9:12:27 AM
City Council
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Council Agenda/Packets
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Amendment. None of these provisions alter the Agency’s internal discipline processes, including those governed by a <br />collective bargaining agreement. <br /> <br />9.2.1 For BCA systems and tools that are not covered by the Court Data Services Subscriber Amendment, Agency <br />must determine if and when an involved Individual User’s access to systems or tools is to be temporarily or <br />permanently eliminated. The decision to suspend or terminate access may be made as soon as alleged violation is <br />discovered, after notice of an alleged violation is received, or after an investigation has occurred. Agency must report <br />the status of the Individual User’s access to BCA without delay. BCA reserves the right to make a different <br />determination concerning an Individual User’s access to systems or tools than that made by Agency and BCA’s <br />determination controls. <br /> <br />9.2.2 If BCA determines that Agency has jeopardized the integrity of the systems or tools covered in this Clause 9.2, <br />BCA may temporarily stop providing some or all the systems or tools under this Agreement until the failure is <br />remedied to the BCA’s satisfaction. If Agency’s failure is continuing or repeated, Clause 11.1 does not apply and <br />BCA may terminate this Agreement immediately. <br /> <br />9.3 Sanctions Involving Only Court Data Services <br />The following provisions apply to those systems and tools covered by the Court Data Services Subscriber <br />Amendment, if it has been signed by Agency. As part of the agreement between the Court and the BCA for the <br />delivery of the systems and tools that are covered by the Court Data Services Subscriber Amendment, BCA is <br />required to suspend or terminate access to or use of the systems and tools either on its own initiative or when directed <br />by the Court. The decision to suspend or terminate access may be made as soon as an alleged violation is discovered, <br />after notice of an alleged violation is received, or after an investigation has occurred. The decision to suspend or <br />terminate may also be made based on a request from the Authorized Representative of Agency. The agreement <br />further provides that only the Court has the authority to reinstate access and use. <br /> <br />9.3.1 Agency understands that if it has signed the Court Data Services Subscriber Amendment and if Agency’s <br />Individual Users violate the provisions of that Amendment, access and use will be suspended by BCA or Court. <br />Agency also understands that reinstatement is only at the direction of the Court. <br /> <br />9.3.2 Agency further agrees that if Agency believes that one or more of its Individual Users have violated the terms of <br />the Amendment, it will notify BCA and Court so that an investigation as described in Clause 9.1 may occur. <br /> <br />10 Venue <br />Venue for all legal proceedings involving this Agreement, or its breach, must be in the appropriate state or federal <br />court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota. <br /> <br />11 Termination <br />11.1 Termination. The BCA or the Agency may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, upon 30 <br />days’ written notice to the other party’s Authorized Representative. <br /> <br />11.2 Termination for Insufficient Funding. Either party may immediately terminate this Agreement if it does not <br />obtain funding from the Minnesota Legislature, or other funding source; or if funding cannot be continued at a level <br />sufficient to allow for the payment of the services covered here. Termination must be by written notice to the other <br />party’s authorized representative. The Agency is not obligated to pay for any services that are provided after notice <br />and effective date of termination. However, the BCA will be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for <br />services satisfactorily performed to the extent that funds are available. Neither party will be assessed any penalty if <br />the agreement is terminated because of the decision of the Minnesota Legislature, or other funding source, not to <br />appropriate funds. Notice of the lack of funding must be provided within a reasonable time of the affected party <br />receiving that notice. <br /> <br />12 Continuing obligations <br />The following clauses survive the expiration or cancellation of this Agreement: 6. Liability; 7. Audits; 8. Government <br />Data Practices; 9. Investigation of alleged violations; sanctions; and 10.Venue. <br />19
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