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Code. More specifically, the City Council finds that the requested variance is <br />not justified for the following reasons: <br />a. The property owner proposed project would not use the property in a <br />reasonable manner, due to the excessive use of hard cover and the ability <br />for the property owner to locate the pool equipment in a conforming <br />location. <br />b. Allowing the proposed project, while it does not have an impact on the <br />essential character of the locality, could impact the drainage and flooding <br />potential of the community, which is already a problem in this locality. <br />c. The basis for the practical difficulties is caused by the property owner’s <br />desire to construct a pool, decking, and pool equipment in their backyard <br />which does not meet city code. <br />d. The comprehensive plan guides this area for single family use and adding <br />impervious surface will not alter that use, however, the project is <br />inconsistent with the goals stated in the surface water management chapter <br />of the comprehensive plan. <br />e. Allowing the variance is in harmony with the general purposes and intent <br />of the City’s Code to provide for compatibility of different land uses. The <br />project will have no impact on land use compatibility. <br /> <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council’s hereby <br />denies the requested variances, based on the findings stated herein. <br /> <br /> <br />APPROVED in the regular session of the City Council on ________________, 2015. <br /> <br /> <br /> ___________________________________ <br /> Jerome O. Faust, Mayor <br />Attested: <br /> <br /> <br />___________________________________ <br />Nicole Miller, City Clerk <br />22