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PL PACKET 06222015
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PL PACKET 06222015
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12/1/2015 8:36:44 AM
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12/1/2015 8:35:16 AM
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250 feet of a residential structure or zoning district. The proposed restaurant would still be subject <br />to those conditions which include: <br />1. Garbage areas must be enclosed with materials that match the building; <br />2. Lighting must be “down spill” with no spillage to affect the adjacent residential properties; <br />3. No music or other artificial noise shall be audible from the restaurant to adjacent residential <br />properties; <br />4. The remodel and redevelopment of the property shall conform as closely as possible and <br />practicable to the Village at St. Anthony design standards and PUD documents. <br />The newly proposed restaurant tenant wishes to obtain a liquor license which is why the requested <br />CUP is needed. The site is proposed to be used in accordance with the site plan submitted for the <br />previous restaurant. The applicant is aware that a conditional use permit amendment would be <br />needed to accommodate the addition of outdoor seating. The underlying zoning for the property, <br />within the greater Planned Unit Development, is Commercial, which lists “establishments primarily <br />for the sale of beverages for consumption on the premises” as a conditional use. The Applicant has <br />stated that the beverage menu will focus on craft beers and seasonal cocktails. The food menu <br />would consist primarily of American food including burgers, fries, sandwiches, wings, salads and <br />soups among others. <br />The applicant has also applied for a liquor license and a code text amendment to increase the liquor <br />licenses in the city from three to four. <br />Hours of Operation <br />Title XI Business Regulations, Chapter 111 Licenses, Permits, and the Like, Section §111.172 HOURS <br />OF OPERATION states that every recreational establishment within the city must be closed to the <br />public between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. “Recreational Establishment” includes <br />restaurants. At this time, the proposed hours of operation would be 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. The <br />proposed hours would be similar to the Village Pub, located at 2720 Highway 88, which also has a <br />CUP to operate within 250 feet of a residential structure or zoning district. <br />Parking <br />The City’s parking ordinance requires that the number of parking spaces for restaurants be equal to <br />the total designed seating capacity of the structure divided by 2.5, plus 1 parking space for each <br />employee on the largest shift. The proposed number of seats in the restaurant is 110 and the <br />estimated number of employees on the largest shift is 15. Based on this information, a total of 59 <br />parking spaces are required for the proposed use. There are at least 80 parking spaces on the <br />property, meeting the minimum required for the proposed restaurant. <br />Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan <br />The City of St. Anthony Village Comprehensive Plan (2008) guides the subject property for high <br />density residential on the Future Land Use Plan (Figure 2-5), which is identified as a change from the <br />Existing Land Use Map (Figure 2-1) which designates the property as currently being used for <br />commercial use. Although the requested CUP is not consistent with the future land use, the <br />comprehensive plan states that any land use changes will be initiated by the property owner, not <br />the City. In addition, a CUP was approved for the property to allow for a restaurant within 250 feet <br />of a residential structure or district in 2010, following the adoption of the Future Land Use Plan. <br />Therefore, the Planning Commission may find that it is the intent of the Comprehensive Plan to <br />support existing land uses based on the current zoning and not on the Future Land Use Plan. <br />2. Applicable Codes Relating to Conditional Uses. <br />32
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