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PL PACKET 06222015
Parks & Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
PL PACKET 06222015
Entry Properties
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12/1/2015 8:36:44 AM
Creation date
12/1/2015 8:35:16 AM
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those for the Village Pub and Applebee’s, which is also within 250 feet of a residential structure <br />or zoning district. Criterion met. <br />4. The use will provide a service or a facility which is in the interest of public convenience and will <br />contribute to the general welfare. <br />Having a variety of dining options within a community is a convenience that serves the entire <br />community and surrounding area. Having dining options that include establishments with a <br />liquor license is an added benefit to the community when certain criteria are met. Additionally, <br />the space is currently vacant and therefore the property is underutilized. Adding a restaurant <br />business will fill the space and add some vibrancy to the area. Criterion met. <br />CONCLUSIONS <br />The Property has been utilized as a restaurant in the past and has been in close proximity to adjacent <br />residential uses. A CUP was previously approved in 2010 to allow for a restaurant within 250 feet of a <br />residential structure or district. All conditions from the previous CUP will remain in full effect. The <br />requested CUP is necessary because the restaurant tenant wishes to obtain a liquor license for their <br />restaurant. A primary concern with this type of use in close proximity to a residential area is noise. City <br />Code allows for restaurants to be open until 1 a.m. Although noise may potentially be an issue for <br />restaurant patrons leaving the restaurant late at night, there will be no outdoor seating or activities <br />allowed with the issuance of this CUP. If outdoor seating or activities were desired in the future, the <br />Applicant would need to amend the existing CUP. With the conditions from the previous CUP and those <br />outlined with this CUP, staff does not believe that the proposed use will be detrimental to the health, <br />safety, or general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity or to the values of property in <br />the vicinity. Staff believes that the proposed use will provide a benefit to the community by providing <br />another dining option in the community within a building that is currently vacant. <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION <br />1. Recommend Approval of the Conditional Use Permit. In the event of a recommendation for <br />approval, the Planning Commission may refer to Exhibit C and may modify the draft resolution <br />for approval to include any conditions that it deems necessary. <br />2. Recommend Denial of the Conditional Use Permit. In the event the Planning Commission <br />chooses denial of the requested CUP, it should clearly state its reasons for the denial <br />recommendation and direct staff to prepare a resolution. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Exhibit A: Location map <br />Exhibit B: Application and Supporting Material <br />Exhibit C: Draft Resolution of Approval <br />34
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