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PL PACKET 09282015
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PL PACKET 09282015
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12/1/2015 8:42:24 AM
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12/1/2015 8:38:10 AM
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of the conditional uses specifically listed in the ordinance and pointed out there are some 1 <br />conditions that the City Council specified in the previous CUP related to traffic control, 2 <br />parking, compliance with applicable State and Federal laws, and hours of operation. She 3 <br />stated that staff believes the proposed use is not detrimental to the health, safety, or general 4 <br />welfare and the proposed use would contribute to the general welfare because a drop-in day 5 <br />care is needed in the area. She advised that staff recommends approval of the CUP 6 <br />amendment to allow expansion of the day care with the conditions outlined in the staff report. 7 <br /> 8 <br />Chairperson Crone opened the public hearing at 7:10 p.m. 9 <br /> 10 <br />Ms. Nicki Carlson, representing the applicant, stated the proposed use is a separate tenant. 11 <br />She referenced page 17 of the staff report depicting the existing CUP for the Ikram Day 12 <br />Center and stated the footprint is correct but the green space on the right side of the diagram is 13 <br />a different tenant called Family Care Transportation and has nothing to do with the Ikram Day 14 <br />Care Center. She described the proposed new day care on the drawings included in the staff 15 <br />report and stated they would like to leave the existing day care where it is and move the 16 <br />business tenants to the tower portion of the site and use the tower exclusively for businesses. 17 <br /> 18 <br />Mr. Fatah Abdi, owner and manager of MECCA, stated their summer hours would be limited 19 <br />to approximately one and one-half months and limited to Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 20 <br />from 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. He stated that Saturday and Sunday hours would be 9:00 a.m.-21 <br />5:00 p.m. He stated summer hours would start June 20th and run until July 31st. 22 <br /> 23 <br />Ms. Carlson stated the after school program would open between 3:00 and 4:00 p.m. and close 24 <br />by 7:00 or 8:00 p.m. She added the Ikram Day Care has CUP hours of 6:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. 25 <br /> 26 <br />Commissioner Foster asked if the existing day care facility is licensed by the State and if the 27 <br />proposed new facility is licensed by the State. 28 <br /> 29 <br />Ms. Carlson stated that Ikram Day Care is licensed by the State and MECCA is not required 30 <br />to be licensed by the State. 31 <br /> 32 <br />Commissioner Papatola asked about capacity of the drop-in center and how the facility would 33 <br />regulate the number of children. 34 <br /> 35 <br />Ms. Carlson stated that the maximum number of children at any one time is 75 children based 36 <br />on the square footage of the facility and staffing ratios. 37 <br /> 38 <br />Ms. Adrianna Surmak, 5424 Bryant Avenue South, stated she is the Director of Human 39 <br />Resources at Family Care Transportation, LLC, and they have 250 independent contractor 40 <br />drivers and 13 full-time staff and most of the drivers and staff have children and many of them 41 <br />live in the area. She encouraged the Planning Commission to grant the CUP for the after 42 <br />school day care and stated it will be a safe, quiet space for children to come after school to 43 <br />have a healthy snack, do their homework, rest, and have access to multi-lingual tutoring when 44 <br />necessary and they believe this would be a nice amenity to have in the building. 45 <br /> 46 <br />2
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