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The Property has been utilized for commercial uses for the past several decades, and has been in close <br />proximity to single-family residential land uses. The exterior of the existing buildings on site will not <br />change in any way, nor will the layout of the existing parking lot. The addition of the sale of alcoholic <br />beverages is not expected to have an adverse effect on the surrounding neighborhood or a significant <br />change in the daily business operation. <br />Having a restaurant continue to occupy a portion of the south building will provide an alternative dining <br />option for residents within the immediate area and throughout the community and surrounding area. <br />The location of the site also lends itself well to opportunities for residents and neighbors to walk to the <br />property as opposed to traveling by vehicle. <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION <br />1. Recommend Approval, with conditions, of the Amendment to the Existing Conditional Use <br />Permit. In the event of a recommendation for approval (with conditions), the Planning <br />Commission may refer to Exhibit C and may modify the draft resolution for approval to include <br />any additional conditions that it deems necessary. <br />2. Request Additional Information and Continue the Public Hearing. The Applicant has provided all <br />of the required information for the Planning Commission’s evaluation. Should the Planning <br />Commission request additional information from the Applicant, the Planning Commission should <br />continue the public hearing until a later time. <br />3. Recommend Denial of the Amendment to the Existing Conditional Use Permit. In the event the <br />Planning Commission chooses denial of the requested Amendment to the existing Conditional <br />Use Permit, it should clearly state its reasons for the denial recommendation and direct staff to <br />prepare a resolution. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Exhibit A: Location map <br />Exhibit B: Application and Supporting Material <br />Exhibit C: Draft Resolution of Approval <br />10