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PL PACKET 11232015
Parks & Planning Commission
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PL PACKET 11232015
Entry Properties
Last modified
12/1/2015 8:44:27 AM
Creation date
12/1/2015 8:42:37 AM
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Village Zoning Code. More specifically, the City Council finds that the required <br />conditional use permit is justified for the following reasons: <br />a. The restaurant use is one of the conditional uses specifically listed within the C - <br />Commercial Zoning District in which the Property is located in. <br />b. The City has specified all conditions which the City Council has deemed <br />necessary to make the use compatible with other uses in the area; <br />c. The additional dining option within close proximity to single-family and high- <br />density multiple -family residential uses will provide a mixture of uses in the <br />neighborhood, which will promote walkability and sustainability, which <br />contributes to the health, safety and welfare of the persons residing or working in <br />the vicinity; and <br />d. The proposed restaurant use will provide a service which in the interest of public <br />convenience and will contribute to the general welfare. <br />2. The requested variance is consistent with all the standards for granting a variance as <br />described in Section §152.245 of the St. Anthony Village Zoning Code. More <br />specifically, the City Council finds that the requested variance is justified for the <br />following reasons: <br />a. The Applicant proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner. A restaurant <br />use is common within commercially zoned districts and has previously been <br />located on this Property. <br />b. The site layout in terms of size and location of the existing buildings and parking <br />lot area will not change with the proposal of locating a restaurant within the <br />vacant portion of the southernmost building. Limited parking stalls are a <br />circumstance unique to the Property, and were not created by the Applicant. <br />c. Granting the variance will not alter the essential character of the locality, as the <br />Property will remain a commercially zoned property which permits a variety of <br />uses including restaurant uses. <br />d. Economic considerations alone are not the basis of the practical difficulties. <br />e. Granting the variance is consistent with the City's comprehensive land use plan <br />and is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the City's Code <br />relating to protecting the use districts. The use of the Property will remain the <br />same as it is today. <br />f. Granting the variance from the minimum required parking stalls will not impact <br />the amount of adequate light, air and access to Property or neighboring <br />properties. <br />g. Allowing the variance is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of the <br />City's Code relating to preventing congestion in public streets. The project will <br />have no impact on congestion as both Kenzie Terrace and Lowy Avenue can <br />18
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