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NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council’s <br />approval of the requested amendment to the conditional use permit is contingent on the following: <br />1. The Applicant shall submit the appropriate plans and permits for review and approval <br />before beginning any construction or other alterations that requires a permit (i.e. <br />building permit for any interior work, sign permit, electrical permit, plumbing permit, <br />etc.). <br />2. An exterior dumpster, if proposed, shall be kept behind the existing southernmost <br />building and shall be screened pursuant to 150.072 (2) (d) (3) of the City Code. An <br />escrow shall be established by city staff, and submitted with the city prior to issuance <br />of a certificate of occupancy to ensure that this condition is met. <br />3. Outdoor seating associated with the restaurant use is not permitted with this <br />Conditional Use Permit (CUP). If outdoor seating is desired, an amendment to this <br />Permit is required. <br />4. Any radio receiving set, musical instrument, paging system, or other similar device <br />for the production or reproduction of sound may not be played outside of the building <br />between the hours of 10:00pm and 7:00am. <br />5. Any lighting associated with, or added to, the proposed restaurant use or parking lot <br />area shall be downward casting and shielded. <br />6. Hours of operation shall be limited until 10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and <br />11p.m. Friday and Saturday night. All delivery vehicles after 10 p.m. must park on <br />the north side of the building located at 2510 Kenzie Terrace to minimize headlight <br />glare onto the neighboring single-family residential areas to the south. <br />7. Additional natural landscaping/screening is required along the west side of the <br />existing easternmost drive-aisle access to/from Lowry Avenue along the south border <br />of the Property. Screening shall consist of coniferous shrubs and/or trees, in a <br />quantity adequate to visually screen as much of the parking lot area as feasible, and <br />shall be at least three (3) feet in height. All screening must comply with the City’s <br />vision triangle standards to ensure adequate clear lines of vision at the intersection of <br />the parking lot drive-aisle to ensure traffic and pedestrian sightlines and safety. An <br />escrow shall be established by city staff, and submitted with the city prior to issuance <br />of the certificate of occupancy to ensure that this condition is met. <br />8. (insert additional conditions as discussed) <br /> <br />APPROVED in the regular session of the City Council on ___________________. <br /> <br /> <br /> ___________________________________ <br /> Jerome O. Faust, Mayor <br />Attested: <br /> <br /> <br />___________________________________ <br />23