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CONSIDERATIONS RELATING TO THE REQUEST <br />1. Background <br />The Applicant proposes an intensification of the existing sit down restaurant business located at <br />2510 Kenzie Terrace. The Property is located immediately adjacent to a residentially zoned district, <br />with the building located approximately 120 feet from the bordering property line. The request is to <br />allow for the sale of alcoholic beverages on the premises. The restaurant operation is requesting <br />the following business hours: <br />• 6:00am – 10:00pm Sunday through Thursday <br />• 6:00am – 11:00pm Friday and Saturday <br />This represents a reduction in the late night hours from the original Busters’ proposal and approved <br />Conditional Use Permit of 11:00 p.m. on weeknights and 1:00 a.m. on weekends. <br />The applicant is not requesting any outdoor seating, forms of entertainment, or any other changes <br />to the business operations of the restaurant. <br />The property has an existing CUP formerly utilized by the restaurant “Busters” for the operation of a <br />restaurant located less than 250 feet from a residential structure or district and a variance from the <br />parking requirements. <br />2. Applicable Codes Relating to Conditional Uses. <br />Title XV Land Usage, Chapter 152 Zoning Code, Section §152.122 PERMITTED CONDITIONAL USES <br />(WITHIN THE C DISTRICT) (L) states that “Establishments primarily for the sale of beverages for <br />consumption on the premises” is permitted in the C District only by conditional use permit issued by <br />the City Council. <br />3. Criteria for, and Consistency with, Criteria for Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Approval. Title XV <br />Land Usage, Chapter 152 Zoning Code, Section §152.243 CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS (C) Application <br />states that a conditional use permit may be granted only by a majority vote of all members of the <br />City Council after determining that: <br />1. The use is one of the conditional uses specifically listed for the district in which the property is <br />located; <br />The Property at 2510 Kenzie Terrace is located within the C-Commercial Zoning District, which <br />allows “establishments primarily for the sale of beverages for consumption on the premises” as <br />a permitted conditional use. <br />The following conditions are proposed for the amendment to the Conditional Use Permit: <br />• The Applicant shall submit the appropriate plans and permits for review and approval <br />before beginning any construction or other alterations that requires a permit (i.e. building <br />permit for any interior work, sign permit, electrical permit, plumbing permit, etc.). <br />• An exterior dumpster, if proposed, shall be kept behind the existing southernmost building <br />and shall be screened pursuant to 150.072 (2) (d) (3) of the City Code. An escrow shall be <br />established by city staff, and submitted with the city prior to issuance of a certificate of <br />occupancy to ensure that this condition is met. <br />• Outdoor seating associated with the restaurant use is not permitted with this Conditional <br />Use Permit (CUP). If outdoor seating is desired, an amendment to this Permit is required. <br />8