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Mr. David Childs <br />2 June 1982 <br />Page Four <br />worked with the Dorsey firm and has high regard for their capabilities <br />and specialty. Northwest has, however, worked also with an extensive <br />variety of lawyers and is willing to work with whoever the HRA may <br />choose for legal advise. <br />The cost of legal services is not included in the fees proposed by <br />Northwest. It is recognized, however, that legal fees could become <br />extensive if not controlled. Therefore, prior to requesting or <br />authorizing any legal service or advise, Northwest would request the <br />Attorney to identify the individual to be assigned to a specific <br />task and to identify a maximum cost for the service to be provided. <br />(2) (g) Who will be responsible for handling construction management? <br />Is the cost included in the fees as presented? <br />Response: <br />This is viewed as a broad question, covering a number of possible <br />situations. From a very narrow perspective, it is anticipated the <br />area public improvement projects will be undertaken. In such cases, <br />Short -Elliot -Hendrickson, serving as the City Engineer would be expected <br />to design and inspect construction. In such instances, the costs would <br />be built in and made part of the specific project. <br />On the more broad scale, assuming a private development, Northwest <br />with the assistance of the City Building Official and Short -Elliot - <br />Hendrickson, would provide construction, as well as contract management. <br />To be emphasized is that Northwest would hold primary responsibility <br />and does have a certified building official on its staff who would <br />actively participate in this effort. Costs for this aspect of ser:"re <br />have not been calculated, as the extent of development or improvement <br />projects is unknown at this time. <br />(2) (h) Who will be responsible for handling land surveys? Is the cost <br />included in the fees as presented? <br />Response: <br />As ShDrt-Elliot-Hendrickson does not specialize in this activity, <br />land survey work would be bid. Northwest would prepare the necessary <br />RFP's, distribute them to appropriate firms and assist the HRA in <br />selecting a qualified service. While Northwest's fees for this work <br />are included in the proposal, the land survey costs are not. Again, <br />the extent of needed survey work will be determined as part of the <br />first three stages of work, and therefore, a cost for this service <br />cannot be suggested at this point in time. <br />