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SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS CONTINUED <br />State Aid Fund - Gasoline tax collections apportioned to the City from the State <br />of Minnesota for street maintenance are accounted for in this fund. Expenditures <br />during 1976 were for commodities to repair and maintain City streets. The fund <br />balance at December 31, 1976, was $21,239. <br />Community Services Fund - This fund accounts for the City recreation program <br />which is carried on in co-operation with Independent School District No. 282. <br />The activities of this fund were taken over by Independent School District <br />No. 282, during the year. A transfer from the General Fund eliminated the <br />deficit fund balance and closed the fund. <br />Home Improvement Grant Fund - This fund accounts for revenue received from the <br />Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. Expenditures are to finance home improvements <br />within the City. <br />Revenue Sharing Fund - This fund was established to account for revenue received <br />from the Federal Government in accordance with the "State and Local Fiscal <br />Assisstance Act of 1972." Expenditures can only be made from this fund as out- <br />lined in the Act. The City's share of revenue for 1976 was $46,877, of which <br />$11,736 will be received during 1977. Transfers made during 1976 to the General <br />Fund and Special Fire Department Fund were for salaries and capital outlay <br />respectively. As of December 31, 1976, $83,548 is available for future expenditures. <br />Anti -recession funds received during 1976 amounted to $1,109 and are available for <br />future expenditures. <br />Special Fire Department Fund - This fund was established to account for the <br />State of Minnesota insurance premium tax revenue and other monies appropriated <br />for the benefit of the City Fire Department. During 1976, $9,594 was received <br />from the State of Minnesota for 1976 insurance premium taxes. Expenditures for <br />1976 were $63,240. These funds were used to purchase a new fire truck. A transfer <br />from the Revenue Sharing Fund of $26,723 was used to defray the cost of the truck. <br />As December 31, 1976 the fund balance was $9,482. <br />Special Police Department Fund - This fund was established to account for the State <br />of Minnesota Town Police Aid reimbursement and other monies appropriated for the <br />benefit of the City Police Department. $9,290 was transferred to the General Fund <br />for cost incurred when the City offices were remodeled. The fund balance was <br />$19,420 at December 31, 1976. <br />CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS <br />State -aid Construction Fund - Gasoline tax collections apportioned to the City from <br />the State of Minnesota for street construction are accounted for in this fund. <br />The account receivable of $161,728, from the State of Minnesota, is the City's <br />unencumbered construction allotment balance at December 31, 1976. This allotment <br />is available only for approved projects. <br />Capital Improvement Fund - This fund was established to account for purchases of <br />capital outlay items to be used by the City's maintenance department. Transfers <br />from the General Fund will finance these acquisitions. <br />Equipment Fund - This fund was established to account for the purchase of a street <br />sweeper. Proceeds were from the sale of certificates of indebtedness bonds and <br />used to purchase the sweeper at a cost of $29,700. This fund was closed during <br />1976. <br />II <br />