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Note 5 <br />CITY OF ST. ANTHONY <br />NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br />DECEMBER 31. 1984 <br />Bonded Indebtedness (Continued) <br />The following is a summary of bond transactions for the year ended December 31, 1984: <br />Payable at Payable at <br />January 1, December 31, <br />1984 Issued Redeemed 1984 <br />Certificates of Indebtedness $15,000 $ 15,000 <br />Special Assessment Improvement <br />Bonds $395,000 105,000 $290,000 <br />$395,000 $15,000 $120,000 $290,000 <br />Scheduled maturities of bonded indebtedness for each of the next five years are as <br />follows: 1985 - $130,000; 1986 - $40,000; 1987 - $40,000; 1988 - $40,000; 1989 - <br />$40,000. <br />Note 6. Contributed Capital <br />A substantial portion of the property, plant and equipment in the Utility Funds was <br />financed by special assessments, grants and other contributions. When such assets <br />are acquired they are credited to the contributed capital account. Depreciation on <br />contributed assets is charged against current income, but is then redistributed as a <br />charge against the contributed capital account. The rates charged by the City are <br />not intended to generate sufficient income to recover the depreciation on contributed <br />assets and replacement of these assets is expected to be financed primarily by future <br />contributions. <br />Note 7. Fund Deficits <br />The Sewer Fund has a retained earnings deficit of $25,235 at December 31, 1984. <br />Note 8. Operations of Enterprise Funds <br />Segment information for each of the enterprise funds maintained by the City for the <br />year ended December 31, 1984 are as follows: <br />own <br />