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1 after' making -the initial outlay to convert the - office to a <br /> 2 dwelling, would .be much cheaper in the long run than for <br /> 3 his firm to spend $6 ,000 to partially fence the facility in <br /> 4 <br /> 5 and provide an expensive. automatic locking system for the <br /> 6 entire facility; <br /> 7 *conceded it. would be possible to fence in the accesses to the <br /> 8 units which face the back of the property, but it would not <br /> 9 be practical to fence in the two units which face 39th Avenue <br /> 10 N. E. because those are only garage units which exit onto the <br /> 11 street; <br /> 12 *told the Chair there� are.. l80 units in the facility, and alth- <br /> 13 ough he wasn' t really certain, believed the office was open <br /> 14 from 9: 00 A.M. to 6 : 00 P.M. , seven days a week or perhaps <br /> 15 only from noon to 6 : 00 P.M. on Saturdays ; <br /> 16 *told Commissioner Werenicz his firm had experienced no <br /> 17 security problems like break ins at all since they acquired <br /> 18 the property; <br /> 19 *conceded it was only for the convenience of the caretaker <br /> 20 couple that he was requesting a second caretaker unit; <br /> 21 *indicated to Commissioner Wingard that although parking • <br /> 22 spaces are not specifically designated as such, there is <br /> 23 , space for 50 cars -to be parked around the site somewhere <br /> 24 or another ; <br /> 25 *also said the entrances to the inside units are kept locked; <br /> 26 *told Commissioner London he believed it would be impractical <br /> 27 to pay someone to sit in the office for three hours doing <br /> 28 nothing and then to respond from another location for 15 min- <br /> 29 utes where his firm could offer free rent in an efficiency <br /> 30 apartment to have that person available when the caretaker <br /> 31 couple was gone; <br /> 32 *reiterated that his firm did not consider free rent in a <br /> 33 space they already had available, plus the. initial outlay to <br /> 34 bring the unit up to code, could be considered. to have. a <br /> 35 significant impact on the operation costs for the facility <br /> 36 when compared to the $6 , 000 it would cost to fence in only a <br /> 37 portion of the property and what it would cost to provide <br /> 38 security. for the units which could not be fenced in. <br /> 39 Mr. Childs said he understood there had been. considerable discus-... <br /> 40 sion of fencing in the property when Mr. Blanske had come in to <br /> 41 request the second story- -, and the Commission and Council had not <br /> 42 been too excited about that prospect because of the visual . ap- • <br /> 43 pearance. - Commissioner Madden agreed with that statement, saying <br /> 4 <br />