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CC PACKET 09221987
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CC PACKET 09221987
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12/30/2015 4:24:25 PM
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CC PACKETS 1987-1989
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CC PACKET 09221987
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I Commissioner. Werenicz added that none. of .the above had faulted • <br /> 2 Arcade Amusement ' s management per se and tie was told "you do run a <br /> 3 fine business" , but -i.t ' sJ ust- that type of business. which seems to <br /> 4 gather certain crowds and .-; the problems associated with those <br /> 5 crowds. <br /> 6 The Commissioner said to put -the crowds 'of teenagers who would .be <br /> 7 attracted to this type of business and the problems associated with <br /> 8 that right next to the older drinking crowd could lead to nothing <br /> 9 but trouble. He asked how Mr. Heilicher how he was . going to <br /> 10 prevent the younger customers from asking the bar patrons to get <br /> 11 liquor for them from the off-sale store close by. <br /> 12 The arcade representative told him "kids are going to - get liquor <br /> 13 if they want to no matter what" and he did not perceive this <br /> 14 establishment would be contributing any further to that problem. <br /> 15 Commissioner Werenicz told him he perceived the arcade would be <br /> 16 providing another source for them. Mr. Heilicher reiterated that <br /> 17 no other space had been available to them at- Apache and said "if <br /> 18 you have a problem with Friday and Saturday nights and you want us <br /> 19 to close with the mall, we can accommodate that. " <br /> 20 When Commissioner Werenicz told him he perceived the three pool <br /> 21 tables would attract more of the long term "hanger outers" , Mr. <br /> 22 Heilicher disputed that assumption, saying that had not been a • <br /> 23 problem in his other establishments and rather, they had senior . <br /> 24 citizens coming-- in to play pool in the daytime and fathers and <br /> 25 sons have an increased interest in the game since the movie . "The <br /> 26 Color of Money" had come out. " He said there had- been a surge of <br /> 27 interest in the .game and his place, which is not a bar, has <br /> 28 attracted a lot of people to come in and play in the arcades. He <br /> 29 perceived these places offered a good place for kids to .come and <br /> 30 play pool under close supervision. <br /> 31 Chair Franzese said she would hate to have her three teenage <br /> 32 sons, -who just love pool, go to this location, which is right next <br /> 33 to the bar, because they wouldn' t be associating with only kids who <br /> 34 play the games but people who have been drinking from next door. <br /> 35 Mr. Heilicher said he couldn' t see why the bar patrons would want <br /> 36 to come in to play pool, but added if they do, they wouldn' t be <br /> 37 the only adults in the place because many young adults like to <br /> 38 play - the more sophisticated games they have in their establish- <br /> 39 ments. He said his people maintain "complete control" and he was <br /> 40 certain there would be no problems for her boys. <br /> 41 The other -proponent's then spoke and answered questions as follows: <br /> 42 Cavanaugh .told Commissioner Wingard all the other spots available <br /> . 43 in Apache were too large for the arcade which only re- <br /> 44 quires about 1 , 800 square feet; <br /> • <br /> 14 <br />
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