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J <br /> 1 Ranallo: asked whether the City could limit the causes which would be <br /> 2 supported b <br /> pp y pull tab profits to only those which benefit <br /> 3 St. Anthony citizens. <br /> 4 Soth: told him the law had just been amended to prevent cities <br /> 5 from "requiring an organization to make specific expendi- <br /> 6 tures of more than ten percent from its net profits derived <br /> 7 from lawful gambling. <br /> 8 Enrooth: said he understood the City could only direct that ten per- <br /> 9 cent stay within the municipality but could not specifi- <br /> 10 cally direct to which cause it would go. <br /> 11 In view of the above restrictions, Councilmembers indicated their <br /> 12 intent related to changing the ordinance as follows: <br /> 13 Marks: perceived the Councilmembers had already made an ordinance <br /> 14 decision that to avoid giving only one or a few organiza- <br /> 15 tions the right to conduct charitable gambling in the City, <br /> 16 it would be better just to say "no" to all of them; and <br /> 17 he personally thought that should be the Council ' s stand <br /> 18 at this time no matter what pressures are applied or what <br /> 19 good causes are involved. • <br /> 20 Enrooth: perceived the control the City could have would be only <br /> 21 minimal in terms of groups -or numbers because there would <br /> 22 most likely be at least ten different local groups who <br /> 23 would qualify for licenses from the state while the City <br /> 24 would only be able to contract with one or two of these <br /> 25 if pull tab sales were restricted to only the two municipal <br /> 26 on-sale operations; <br /> 27 added that the Council had just made a substantial financial <br /> 28 investment towards upgrading the atmosphere in the Stoneho- <br /> 29 use and he could not see where pull tabs would lend themsel- <br /> 30 ves towards improving that image ; <br /> 31 said he had not changed the perception he had when the <br /> 32 Council had originally taken a stand against pull tabs that <br /> 33 11this type of activity would not be one I want to see in <br /> 34 St. Anthony. " <br /> 35 Ranallo: indicated he understood the most "lucrative locations for <br /> 36 pull tabs right now were bowling alleys and he anticipated j <br /> 37 the owners of the two City alleys would be questioning the <br /> 38 City' s decision t.o keep the operations in their own facili- <br /> 39 ties; j <br /> 40 • <br /> 41 perceived the City would probably be facing the same diffi <br /> 42 culty saying no to an organization once this type of <br /> 6 <br />