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1 *said that money' could' underwrite projects like.' upgrading the <br /> playgrounds installing-installing . lights- on the softball. diamonds , or any . •. <br /> 3 other improvements the City.. wants to make but • • can ' t:.budget for; . •: <br /> 4 *indicated their own budgets were also limited at this time- and. <br /> 5 the profits from the pull tabs cold be used to augment many of <br /> 6 the local projects the Lions wanted to do more in; F <br /> 7 *argued further that most of ,the profits used for improvements <br /> 8 in St. Anthony would come from bar patrons who live outside the } <br /> 9 City. <br /> 10 When Mr. Girard said he had been told the City had the right to <br /> 11 direct by ordinance which organizations it preferred, ,Mr. Soth told <br /> 12 him the City couldn' t just arbitrarily choose the Lions Club over 3 <br /> 13 other organizations who had indicated an interest, but would first <br /> 14 have to establish a class or category with criteria which would have <br /> 15 to be met by anyone who fell within that category. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Councilmember Ranallo indicated that, if that was the case. he <br /> 18 - perceived it . might be difficult to refuse, an organization whose cause <br /> 19 might not be perceived to be good for the community. <br /> 20 Mayor Sundland told Mr. Girard he guessed the Council would have to <br /> 21 take the advice of the City Attorney which was based on research they <br /> 22 had asked him to do six weeks ago. He reiterated that there was <br /> 23 probably no use asking for a motion which four of the Councilmembers. <br /> 24 had again indicated- they would be voting against. He therefore ruled <br /> 25 that the Council would not be entertaining a change to allow pull <br /> 26 tabs in Ordinance 1987-001 . <br /> 27 Mr. Girard asked that the Lions Club be included with other organiza- <br /> 28 tions to be considered if the ' Council ever changed its mind, reiterat <br /> 29 ing that he continued to believe such action would benefit the City <br /> 30 just as much as his organization. <br /> 31 Mr. Soth left the meeting at 8 : 30 P.M. <br /> 32 CITY MANAGER REPORTS <br /> 33 November 17 , 1987 Staff Meeting Notes <br /> 34 *Hamer Hopes to Get St. Anthony Boulevard Striped This Week <br /> 35 The Manager said the Public Works Director is trying to get <br /> 36 Ramsey County to do that work right away 'so the state engineer <br /> 37 can give final approval to the reconstruction project once that <br /> 38 is accomplished. <br /> 39 *Manager Directed To Prepare Proposal for Goal Setting Sessions <br /> 40 in February <br /> • <br /> 8 • <br />