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CITY OF ST. ANTHONY <br /> ORDINANCE 1988- <br /> AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO WEAPONS, AMENDING <br /> SECTION 925 OF THE 1973 ST. ANTHONY CODE OF <br /> ORDINANCES IN ITS ENTIRETY; REPEALING SUBDIVISIONS 3 AND 4 <br /> OF SECTION 930 OF THE 1973 ST. ANTHONY CODE OF ORDINANCES <br /> The City Council of the City of St . Anthony hereby ordains : <br /> Section 1. Section 92.5 of the 1973 St. Anthony Code <br /> of Ordinances is amended to read in full as follows: <br /> Section 925 - Weapons <br /> Subdivision 1. Definitions . For purposes of this Section, <br /> the following terms wi ave the meanings given them <br /> in this Subdivision: <br /> 1. "Weapons" means any of the following: <br /> (a) All firearms, including any device from <br /> which is propelled any missile, projectile, <br /> or bullet by means of explosives, gas, <br /> compressed air, springs, or elastic material, <br /> including air and "BB" guns . <br /> (b) Dagger, dirk, or stiletto. <br /> (c) Saber or sword. <br /> (d) Switchblade knife, spring blade knife or <br /> any knife the blade of which can be opened <br /> by gravity or a flick of the wrist. <br /> (e) Blackjack, sand club, sap, pipe club, bludgeon. <br /> (f) Chain club or chains assembled or used <br /> or intended to be used as a weapon. <br /> (g) Artificial knuckles or other objects designed <br /> to be worn over the fist or knuckles . <br /> (h) Throwing devices with cutting or pointed <br /> edges . <br /> (i ) Japanese or other nightsticks, nutcracker, <br /> nunchaku, chaka, flail , karate stick, morning <br /> star. <br /> (j ) Slingshots . <br /> (k) Spear, lances . <br /> 2 . "Public place" means any area, building or structure <br /> which is open and accessible to the public. <br /> Subdivision 2 . Possession Prohibited. No person shall <br /> have a weapon in his or her possession, custody, or control <br />