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1 -11- <br /> 2 <br /> 3 -added that the matter had been checked with two . people from <br /> 4 the City before ordering the $9 , 00 signs ; <br /> 5 -said he recognized there could have been some misunderstand- <br /> 6 ing about the signs , but there was certainly none in his <br /> 7 mind when he ordered those signs because experience with <br /> 8 other stores had taught him to be sure he had City approval; <br /> 9 -said he never understood thee was a misunderstanding until he <br /> 10 got the City' s letter about the signs; * <br /> 11 -said he had consulted a lawyer after the letter arrived and <br /> 12 had been told to "cooperate with them. " <br /> 13 Wagner -assured Mr. Plaisted that was what the Commission was also <br /> 14 trying to do; <br /> 15 -was told the rotating sign is now 6 X 8 . <br /> 16 Childs indicated that if the City gives Mr. Plaisted 'a variance for <br /> 17 the second sign because the store fronts on two streets, he <br /> 18 could have 144 square feet total signage under the Ordin- <br /> 19 ance and has about 150 square feet now (based on a rough <br /> 0 estimate) . <br /> 21 Plaisted -complained that he had to remove his new window signs even <br /> 22 though the City' s liquor warehouse windows are "plastered <br /> 23 100% all over with signs" ; <br /> 24 -indicated he had concluded "it' s OK for you to operate that <br /> 25 way but not for me. " <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Werenicz -told Mr. Plaisted that if he had seen the sketch provided <br /> 28 that night at the Commission hearing, he would clearly have <br /> 29 voted against the extra sign and he still perceived the <br /> 30 request had been somehow misrepresented at the hearing; <br /> 31 -added however, that the question before the Commission was <br /> 32 what do we do now? <br /> 33 Wagner -pointed out to Mr. Plaisted that the Commissioners perceived <br /> 34 the building had been altered more than 75% which had been <br /> 35 quoted as the point past which the rotating sign would not <br /> 36 have to be allowed; <br /> 37 -told the store owner the City had used this same formula for <br /> 38 not allowing the two florist companies to rebuild after the <br /> 39 tornado. <br /> ,0 Werenicz -assured Mr. Plaisted that this was not the first time where <br /> 41 the City had written letters to businesses about non-conform- <br /> 42 ing signage. <br />