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Page 3 <br /> • WHAT HAS THE NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES DONE RECENTLY ABOUT . . . <br /> SMALL COMMUNITIES? <br /> The League's Small Cities' Council continues to help NLC's leadership insure <br /> that the needs of the nation's smaller municipalities -- its most numerous <br /> ones -- don't get overlooked. NLC worked hard to enact specific provisions <br /> in the new tax bill which benefit smaller cities, towns, and villages. We <br /> recently published The State of the Small City, a comprehensive survey of <br /> community conditions and problems in cities and towns under 50,000 <br /> population. NLC's annual convention always has a full slate of workshops <br /> designed specifically to meet the needs of officials from smaller <br /> communities. And NLC's newspaper, Nation's Cities Weekly, regularly features <br /> news from and about smaller communities. <br /> INFORMATION RESOURCES AND SERVICES? <br /> The Local Information Network for.Universal Service (LINUS) , sponsored by NLC <br /> and the International City Management Association, already has more than 700 <br /> participants. LINOS provides an instant electronic communications network <br /> linking cities and towns to each other, to their state municipal leagues, and <br /> to NLC. And NLC, through a cooperative venture with the Control Data <br /> Corporation, also uses the Local Government Information Network (LOGIN) to <br /> help cities solve problems and share information. LOGIN provides a <br /> • computerized data base of innovative local government programs and solutions <br /> to common city problems. <br /> NLC also has a computerized data base containing information on elected and <br /> appointed officials in more than 2,800 communities, plus detailed information <br /> on selected city characteristics (fiscal year, form of government, election <br /> dates) as well. NLC uses this information to publish a regular series of <br /> up-to-date directories of elected and appointed municipal officials. <br /> NLC's Municipal Reference Service has a comprehensive collection of books, <br /> journals, and other information about municipalities, and responds to more <br /> than 2,000 substantive inquiries from member cities and towns each year. <br /> And for keeping abreast of developments in Washington that will affect local <br /> governments, Nation's Cities Weekly newspaper is the most authoritative and <br /> up-to-date source of information for local policy leaders. The Weekly also <br /> reports regularly on innovative programs which cities and towns across the <br /> country are undertaking to solve municipal problems. <br /> CONFERENCES AND SEMINARS? <br /> Each year, NLC holds two major conferences -- the nation's largest gatherings <br /> of municipal officials. <br /> The annual Congress of Cities, held shortly after Thanksgiving each year, is <br /> • packed with more than 40 workshops on subjects ranging from solid waste <br /> management to housing strategies. NLC's Officers and Board of Directors are <br /> elected and the National Municipal Policy is adopted each year at this <br /> (over, please) <br />