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• ORGANIZATION AND MISSION STATEMENT <br /> SAINT ANTHONY ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY/RECYCLING COMMITTEE <br /> September 8, 1992 <br /> PURPOSE <br /> The Environmental Quality/Recycling Committee shall provide recommendations to the City <br /> Council on issues relating to the environment, water quality and solid waste. More <br /> specifically, the Committee's duties shall include but not be limited to: <br /> 1. Reviewing development proposals for environmental concerns and storm <br /> water quality. <br /> 2. Study and make recommendations on solid waste management and recycling. <br /> 3. Providing input into the local watershed planning process. <br /> 4. Providing educational programs and information to the public on <br /> environmental issues. <br /> 5. Protection and enhancement of lakes and wetlands. <br /> STRUCTURE <br /> The Environmental Quality/Recycling Committee shall be a standing committee of the City <br /> of Saint Anthony with continuing responsibilities as advisors to the Council and the City <br /> staff. The Committee shall consist of eleven members, including a representative from the <br /> City Council and Planning Commission. All members of the Committee shall be residents <br /> of the City of Saint Anthony. All members shall be voting members. The Committee shall <br /> establish its own meeting dates, but shall meet at least four times annually. The members <br /> shall be appointed by the Council for two year terms on a calendar year basis. The terms <br /> should be staggered, to allow for an orderly rotation. The number of terms served shall be <br /> limited if there are other residents who wish to serve on the committee with no other vacant <br /> seats available. In case of a vacancy during the term of office of any member of the <br /> Committee, the City Council shall appoint a new member to serve the remainder of the <br /> term. The members of the Committee shall serve without compensation and may be <br /> removed from office at any time by the City. Council. A member having three unexcused <br /> absences over a two year term warrants removal from the Committee. <br /> PROCEDURES <br /> The Environmental Quality/Recycling Committee may adopt rules of procedure consistent <br /> with this Statement, City Ordinance, and the statutes of the State of Minnesota. The rules <br /> • of procedure may include, but are not limited to, methods of calling meetings, notifying <br /> members and the public of meetings, conduct of hearings, methods of voting, and <br /> maintaining Committee records. <br />