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CC PACKET 11271995
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CC PACKET 11271995
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12/30/2015 6:26:43 PM
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12/30/2015 6:26:29 PM
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CC PACKETS 1994-1998
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CC PACKET 11271995
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(h) Mutilated, Lost, Stolen or Destroyed Bonds. In case any Bond shall <br /> become mutilated or be lost, stolen or destroyed, the Registrar shall deliver a <br /> new Bond of like amount, number, maturity date and tenor in exchange and <br /> substitution for and upon cancellation of any such mutilated Bond or in lieu <br /> of and in substitution for any such Bond lost, stolen or destroyed, upon the <br /> payment of the reasonable expenses and charges of the Registrar in <br /> connection therewith; and, in the case of a Bond lost, stolen or destroyed, <br /> upon filing with the Registrar of evidence satisfactory to it that such Bond <br /> was lost, stolen or destroyed, and of the ownership thereof, and upon <br /> furnishing to the Registrar of an appropriate bond or indemnity in form, <br /> substance and amount satisfactory to it, in which both the City and the <br /> Registrar shall be named as obligees. All Bonds so surrendered to the <br /> Registrar shall be canceled by it and evidence of such cancellation shall be <br /> given to the City. If the mutilated, lost, stolen or destroyed Bond has already <br /> matured or been called for redemption in accordance with its terms, it shall <br /> not be necessary to issue a new Bond prior to payment. <br /> (i) Authenticating Agent: The Registrar is hereby designated <br /> authenticating agent for the Bonds, within the meaning of Minnesota <br /> Statutes, Section 475.55, Subdivision 1. <br /> 3.04. Appointment of Initial Registrar. The City hereby appoints <br /> • in P as the <br /> initial Registrar. The Mayor and City Manager are authorized to execute and <br /> deliver, on behalf of the City, a contract with <br /> as Registrar. Upon merger or consolidation of <br /> the Registrar with another corporation, if the resulting corporation is a bank or trust <br /> company authorized by law to conduct such business, such corporation shall be <br /> authorized to act as successor Registrar. The City agrees to pay the reasonable and <br /> customary charges of the Registrar for the services performed. The City reserves the <br /> right to remove any Registrar upon thirty (30) days' notice and upon the <br /> appointment of a successor Registrar, in which event the predecessor Registrar shall <br /> deliver all cash and Bonds in its possession to the successor Registrar. On or before <br /> each principal or interest due date, without further order of this Council, the <br /> Finance Director shall transmit to the Registrar from the Series 1995B General <br /> Obligation Tax Increment Bond Sinking Fund described in Section 4 hereof, moneys <br /> sufficient for the payment of all principal and interest then due. <br /> 3.05. Redemption. Bonds maturing in the years 1996 through 2004 <br /> shall not be subject to redemption prior to maturity, but Bonds maturing in the <br /> years 2005 through 2010 shall each be subject to redemption and prepayment, at the <br /> option of the City, in whole or in part, and if in part, in inverse order of maturities <br /> and, within any maturity, in $5,000 principal amounts selected by the Registrar by <br /> lot, on February 1, 2004 and on any date thereafter at a price equal to the principal <br /> -10- <br />
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