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06/21/96 FRI 08:47 FAX ST ANTHONY 0004 <br /> Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> June 18, 1996 • <br /> Page 4 <br /> 1 parked for more than 48 hours waiting for parts. He noted there has not been a problem in the <br /> 2 past 4 years <br /> 3 Commissioner Gondorchin explained this was a mechanism to guard against abandoned vehicles <br /> 4 or vehicles being stored to be used for their parts. <br /> 5 Mr. Burnt stated cars would not be stored on the lot to be used for their parts. There had been <br /> 6 much discussion of this issue in 1993. <br /> 7 Ms. Moore-Sykes stated this condition was also included in the conditional use permit for the <br /> 8 Phillips 66 station. She had reviewed the meeting minutes from 1993 and did not recall that this <br /> 9 condition had been dropped at that time. <br /> 10 Mr. John Jadinak, 2805-27th Avenue N.E., stated the neighbors had requested Evergreens be <br /> 11 planted on the berm in 1993. Instead of evergreens small shrubs were placed there. If the <br /> 12 addition is approved two big doors will face his house and there will be more noise than there is <br /> 13 now. He felt the Evergreens would block the noise and the view of cars. <br /> 14 Chair Bergstrom closed the public hearing at 7:27 P.M. <br /> 15 Commissioner Franzese noted that a conditional use permit goes with the property Y as opposed to • <br /> 16 going with the owner. She asked if the City could impose other conditions on the conditional use <br /> 17 permit if the property was sold. Ms. Moore-Sykes stated this would not be possible unless the <br /> 18 new owners came before the City Council to do something different with the property. <br /> 19 Commissioner Gondorchin suggested condition 2 be revised to disallow the storing of vehicles <br /> 20 used expressly for parts and abandoned vehicles. He also questioned if a condition should be <br /> 21 included to preclude 24 hour operation. <br /> 22 Commissioner Franzese stated she had received a call from someone who was supportive of the <br /> 23 project but questioned the scale of the operation. <br /> 24 Motion by Gondorchin, seconded by Delmonico, to grant the conditional use permit based on the <br /> 25 following conditions: <br /> 26 1. The parking areas must have striping for all the proposed parking spaces. <br /> 27 2. No vehicles may be stored on-site to be specifically used for the purpose of extracting <br /> 28 spare parts and/or on-site long-term storage. <br /> 29 3. Change the property address to reflect business frontage on Kenzie Terrace. • <br />