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76 <br /> Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> March 21, 2000 — -- <br /> • Page 3 <br /> 1 deemed to be permitted under Section 1660.02, Subd. 1. If this is not clear, Mr. Soth stated, the <br /> 2 City could always consider a variance.. If this is done,then the issue would be whether it would <br /> 3 constitute a hardship to relocate the sign to move it off the right-of--way. <br /> 4 In his letter,Mr. Soth recommended that an agreement be entered into with the Church whether <br /> 5 the City determines that a variance is needed or not. The agreement would provide the Church <br /> 6 with a license to continue the sign in the City right-of-way under certain conditions. <br /> 7 Furthermore,the agreement would provide that the Church would indemnify the City for any <br /> 8 claims related to the presence of the sign in the right-of-way. <br /> 9 Morrison stated that, in response to the public hearing notice for this issue, the City Staff <br /> 10 received a telephone call from the resident who had initially complained about the sign. <br /> 11 Chair Bergstrom introduced Mr. Dave Wischnewski, a representative of Nativity Lutheran <br /> 12 Church. Mr. Wischnewski stated that the Church was prompted to modify the sign for the pur- <br /> 13 pose of a more updated look and easier maintenance. Additionally,the Church's address was in- <br /> 14 cluded on the sign for emergency response reasons. The footings were improved, but not <br /> 15 changed, he stated. <br /> 16 Chair Bergstrom.thanked Mr. Wischnewski for his input and attendance at the meeting. <br /> 17 Chair Bergstrom called for any other input from the audience and hearing none, closed the public <br /> 18 hearing at 7:13 p.m. <br /> 19 Bergstrom offered that the issue at hand is whether the sign requires a variance or not. It was his <br /> 20 suggestion that the Commission continue with the process now for resolution instead of deferring <br /> 21 the issue until later. <br /> 22 Thomas stated it would be helpful to see photographs of the sign as it existed before <br /> 23 modification. Mr. Wischnewski stated that he had not brought any pictures with him to the <br /> 24 meeting. <br /> 25 Tillmann offered that the new sign was very similar to the older one. <br /> 26 Stille offered that the dictionary's definition of"reconstruct" is to `re-establish,reassemble or re- <br /> 27 construct again.' <br /> 28 Motion by Bergstrom, second by Melsha,that the setback variance request for the Nativity <br /> 29 Lutheran Church sign is recommended to the City Council for approval due to the following rea- <br /> 30 sons: <br /> • 31 1. An undue hardship would be caused if the sign was moved and subsequently caused a <br /> 32 change to the configuration of the Church and the configuration of the traffic pattern; <br /> 33 2. The variance would be utilized to correct an extraordinary circumstance with respect to <br /> 34 the traffic pattern and the setting of the lot; <br />