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The county treasurer is responsible for collecting all property taxes within the county. Real CITY TAX RATES, LEVIES AND COLLECTIONS <br /> estate and personal property tax statements are mailed out by March 31. One-half (1/2) of the <br /> taxes on real property is due on or before May 15. The remainder is due on or before <br /> October 15. Real property taxes not paid by their due date are assessed a penalty which, Tax Capacity Rates for a City Resident in Hennepin County <br /> depending on the type of property, increases from 2% to 4% on the day after the due date. In <br /> the case of the first installment of real property taxes due May 15, the penalty increases to 4% 2000/01 <br /> or 8% on June 1. Thereafter, an additional 1% penalty shall accrue each month through For <br /> October 1 of the collection year for unpaid real property taxes. In the case of the second 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 1999/00 Total Debt <br />Only <br /> installment of real property taxes due October 15, the penalty increases to 6% or 8% on <br /> November 1 and increases again to 8% or 12% on December 1. Personal property taxes Hennepin County 35.515% 38.386% 40.994% 39.655% 37.624% 2.694% <br /> remaining unpaid on May 16 are deemed to be delinquent and a penalty of 8% attaches to the City of St. Anthony 26.653 29.632 32.497 30.625 30.552 4.055 <br /> unpaid tax. However, personal property owned by a tax-exempt entity, but which is treated as ISD 282 (St. Anthony)(a)72.105 58.269 60.534 56.353 60.921 8.816 <br /> taxable by virtue of a lease agreement, is subject to the same delinquent property tax penalties ' Special Districts(b) 6.659 7.483 8.553 8.426 8.126 1.400 <br /> as real property. <br /> Total 140.932% 133.770% 142.578% 135.059% 137.223% 16.965% <br /> On the first business day of January of the year following collection all delinquencies are <br /> subject to an additional 2% penalty, and those delinquencies outstanding as of February 15 are (a) ISD 282 also has a tax rate of 0.15705% spread on the market value of <br />property in support of an <br /> filed for a tax lien judgment with the district court. By March 20 the clerk of court files a excess operating levy for 2000/01. <br /> publication of legal action and a mailing of notice of action to delinquent parties. Those (b) Includes Metropolitan Council, Regional Transit District, Mosquito Control <br />District, Hennepin Parks, <br /> property interests not responding to this notice have judgment entered for the amount of the Park Museum, and County Regional Railroad Authority. <br /> delinquency and associated penalties. The amount of the judgment is subject to a variable <br /> interest determined annually by the Department of Revenue, and equal to the adjusted prime NOTE.• Taxes are determined by multiplying the net tax capacity by the tax capacity <br />rate, expressed as <br /> rate charged by banks, but in no event is the rate less than 10% or more than 14%. a percentage. (See Appendix Ill.) <br /> Property owners subject to a tax lien judgment generally have five years (5) in the case of all <br /> property located outside of cities or in the case of residential homestead, agricultural City Tax Levies and Collections <br /> homestead and seasonal residential recreational property located within cities or three (3) years <br /> with respect to other types of property to redeem the property. After expiration of the Collected During Collected <br /> redemption period, unredeemed properties are declared tax forfeit with title held in trust by the Net Collection Year As of 5-31-01 <br /> State of Minnesota for the respective taxing districts. The county auditor, or equivalent thereof, Leyy/Collect LAC Amount Percent Amount Percent <br /> then sells those properties not claimed for a public purpose at auction. The net proceeds of the <br /> sale are first dedicated to the satisfaction of outstanding special assessments on the parcel, 2001/02 $2,579,866 (In Process of Collection) <br /> with any remaining balance in most cases being divided on the following basis: county - 40%; 2000/01 2,046,538 (Information Not Yet Available) <br /> town or city-20%; and school district - 40%. 1999/00 1,895,975 $1,887,817 99.6% <br /> $1,892,450 99.8% <br /> 1998/99 1,864,149 1,856,684 99.6 1,862,448 99.9 <br /> 1997/98 1,751,756 1,732,268 98.9 1,737,595 99.2 <br /> Property Tax Credits (Chapter 273, Minnesota Statutes) 1996/97 1,674,559 1,656,422 98.9 1,660,182 99.1 <br /> In addition to adjusting the taxable value for various property types, primary elements of The net levy excludes state aid for property tax relief and fiscal disparities, <br />if applicable. The net levy <br /> Minnesota's property tax relief system are: property tax levy reduction aids; the circuit breaker is the basis for computing tax capacity rates. <br /> credit, which relates property taxes to income and provides relief on a sliding income scale; and <br /> targeted tax relief, which is aimed primarily at easing the effect of significant tax increases. The <br /> circuit breaker credit and targeted credits are reimbursed to the taxpayer upon application by <br /> the taxpayer. Property tax levy reduction aid includes educational aids, local governmental aid, ' <br /> equalization aid, homestead and agricultural credit aid (HACA) and disparity reduction aid. <br /> HACA has been repealed for cities, school districts, and townships. <br /> Levy Limitations for Counties and Cities (M.S. 275.70 to 275.74) <br /> Levy limitations are in effect for taxes levied in 2001 and 2002 for all counties and cities with <br /> populations exceeding 2,500. Levy increases for cities are limited to its adjusted levy limit base <br /> from 1999 plus any increase due to growth in population. Counties are limited in their levy <br /> increases to the difference between their adjusted levy limit from 1999 plus any increase due to <br /> growth in population and one-half of the county's share of the net cost to the state for <br /> assumption of district court costs. <br /> III-2 - 13 - <br />