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Aft NIHOPF, <br /> Mississippi Watershed Management Organiza,fY-_l� <br /> 250 South Fourth Street,Room 414,Minneapolis,MN 55415 <br /> Office:612.673.5897 Fax:612.673.2635 <br /> Connie Kroeplin <br /> City of St. Anthony <br /> 3301 Silver Lake Road <br /> St. Anthony,MN 55418 <br /> March 6, 2002 <br /> Dear Ms. Kroeplin: <br /> In 2000 the MWMO completed their Watershed Management Plan and began preparation for <br /> implementation. At that time we were informed that the MWMO did not.possess the special taxing <br /> authority necessary for a subwatershed levy as identified in the January 1997 Joint and Cooperative <br /> Agreement. The subwatershed levy authority was one of several funding mechanism for capital projects <br /> - and watershed programs. Since that time, the MWMO has worked with the State Legislature to obtain the <br /> necessary authorities and were informed that levy authority existed but could only be placed across the <br /> entire watershed and not the subwatershed as originally intended. With this information the MWMO met <br /> with each Member's Council and informed them of the outcomes and alternatives. All member <br /> communities indicated that they wished to continue participation with the MWMO. <br /> As'a result of these Council meetings and legislative actions it was determined that the 1997 Joint,and <br /> Cooperative Agreement needed to be amended. The result is the submission of the January 2002 Joint and <br /> Cooperative Agreement for your Council's approval, through resolution, to replace the existing 1997 Joint <br /> and Cooperative Agreement. The changes in the document involved replacing the subwatershed levy <br /> authority with a watershed wide levy authority and identification that those funds generated from the levy <br /> in the communities of Lauderdale, St. Anthony and St. Paul will be available to those communities <br /> respectively. The other changes involved updating definitions that were related to the levy authority and <br /> administrative clarifications on appointments and approvals. <br /> Please call me at 612-673-3179 if you have any questions pertaining to the 2002 Joint and Cooperative <br /> Agreement. Mississippi Watershed Management Organization staff will also be available for the Council <br /> meeting. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Alison L. Fong <br /> MWMO Staff <br /> Joe Biernat•City of Minneapolis Amy Sparks•City of Saint Anthony Karen Gill-Gerbig•City of Lauderdale <br /> Karlyn Eckman • City of Saint Paul Jon Olson•Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board <br />