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35 <br /> Article VIII <br /> Dissolution <br /> Any Member may petition the Commission to dissolve the .Organization. Upon thirty days advance <br /> written notice to each Member, the Commission shall hold a hearing to consider dissolution of the <br /> Organization. If a majority of the Commission votes in favor of dissolution, the Commission shall submit <br /> a resolution for dissolution of the Organization for consideration by each Member's Council, the board of <br /> each affected County and the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources. Each governmental unit <br /> shall have 90 days in which to consider dissolution of the Organization. If, within 90 days of the date the <br /> notice was given, a majority of Members' Councils has ratified said resolution; then the Organization <br /> shall be dissolved and this Agreement shall be terminated. <br /> Upon dissolution, the Organization shall complete all work in progress and dispose of all personal <br /> property.All property of the Organization shall be sold and the proceeds thereof, together with moneys on <br /> hand, shall be distributed to the eligible Members of the Commission as follows: assets derived from <br /> contributions to the operating budget shall be apportioned and distributed to each Member in the <br /> percentage e b which the Member contributed to the Organization under the last annual budget; assets <br /> derived from the Capital Improvement Budget shall be apportioned and distributed on an asset by asset <br /> basis to each Member in the P ercentage by which the Member contributed to the specific asset. <br /> _ <br /> 17 <br />