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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> April 27, 2004 Os <br /> Page 6 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 Captain Ohl provided information related to the 2003 investigative totals, noting, including the <br /> 3 contract cities, there were a total of 1,097 criminal cases and 574 of them were cleared. He <br /> 4 indicated the Saint Anthony Village portion of those numbers was 676 criminal cases with 367 <br /> 5 cleared, which was a respectable statistic. He commended the patrol staff for the number of <br /> 6 cases cleared by arrest and listed other ways cases could be cleared. <br /> 7 <br /> 8 Captain Ohl provided a list of 2003 Department accomplishments and noted the Department had <br /> 9 kept turnover at almost zero during 2003. He noted it was expensive to bring in an officer and <br /> 10 train him/her and it was "a shame" when officers took their talents away from the City. <br /> 11 <br /> 12 Captain Ohl stated the Department maintained a representation in Family Services Collaborative, <br /> 13 which had been good for the Police Department and the citizens and children in Saint Anthony <br /> 14 Village. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 Captain Ohl explained the Department was working hard to address weapons of mass destruction <br /> 17 and potential terrorist incidents, stating it was getting as ready as possible. He stated each of the <br /> 18 City's officers had been through training and protective gear for first responders was obtained <br /> 19 through grants. He noted this would continue in 2004. <br /> 20 <br /> 21 Captain Ohl indicated the Police Department was dedicated to a community-oriented policing <br /> 22 strategy, which was to arrest offenders, prevent criminal offenses,problem solve within the <br /> 23 community and improve the overall quality of life for the City's citizens. <br /> 24 <br /> 25 Mayor Pro Tem Thuesen asked Captain Ohl to briefly discuss the police reserves, noting he was <br /> 26 impressed by the number of hours given through the police reserves. Captain Ohl responded he <br /> 27 would have a hard time putting a dollar amount on the time given through the police reserves, <br /> 28 stating it was an excellent resource for the Department. He indicated there were 10 current <br /> 29 reserves and the Department had an allotment of 14 reserves. He noted, currently, the majority <br /> 30 of the reserve officers were not interested in pursuing a career in law enforcement. He added it <br /> 31 was almost impossible to think of operating without the reserves. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Councilmember Faust stated he wished to compliment the Police Department on its <br /> 34 responsiveness during difficult budget times and thanked all the officers who were "out there" <br /> 35 every day, as they were a good connection with the community. He noted National Night Out <br /> 36 helped Police Department personnel connect residents and "put a face behind the badge." <br /> 37 <br /> 38 Captain Ohl indicated the officers were supportive of the Council, the Mayor and City staff. He <br /> 39 added the officers felt "very supported"by the City Council. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 Councilmember Stille stated he understood the Cities of Falcon Heights and Lauderdale <br /> 42 appreciated the work done by the City's Police Department. He added he was proud the City of <br /> 43 St. Anthony Village could offer police services to those communities, especially because of the <br /> 44 way the City's Police Department operated. Captain Ohl responded the Department received <br /> 45 many letters from Falcon Heights when it first took the contract. He added he was proud to <br />