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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> June 13, 2000 <br /> Page 6 <br /> 1 The Planning Commission, Staff and DSU have worked together to implement a Phase I <br /> 2 application, which is a preliminary application, and was submitted on June 2, 2000. The <br /> 3 Resolution is calling for approval from the Council to support this process.. If Phase I is <br /> 4 approved, then the City would proceed to Phase II, which is a more detailed process. <br /> 5 Mr. Bergstrom introduced Ms. Elizabeth Blodgett of DSU. Ms. Blodgett explained that the <br /> 6 grant, if received, would pay for soft costs, and is one of five different types of grants. Soft costs <br /> 7 would be defined as consulting fees, wherein hard costs would be defined as construction. Ms. <br /> 8 Blodgett continued by reviewing the requirements for the grants and then answered specific <br /> 9 questions surrounding the details of the grant from the Councilmembers. <br /> 10 <br /> 11 Sparks inquired about the timeline for the grant. Ms. Blodgett responded that August 31, 2000 is <br /> 12 the Phase II deadline for applications. That application will be a larger grant application, and <br /> 13 then between November 20 and December 4, the recipients of the grant awards will be <br /> 14 announced. On December 13, 2000, the funds would be distributed. <br /> 15 Various discussion ensued about the procedures and details of the grant application process, and <br /> 16 as it related to the moratorium on the Salvation Army Property and the proposed Planned Unit <br /> 17 Development. <br /> 18 Motion by Sparks to approve Resolution 00-051, a Resolution for Commitment to Provide Funds <br /> 19 to Match Potential Livable Communities Demonstration Account Grant, wherein if the <br /> 20 Metropolitan Council awards the City of St. Anthony a livable Communities Demonstration <br /> 21 Account Grant, the City of St. Anthony hereby commits to an even dollar per dollar match of <br /> 22 award funds from the City's Housing and Redevelopment Authority Fund. <br /> 23 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 24 Cavanaugh thanked both Mr. Bergstrom and Ms. Blodgett, DSU, for their input and presentation. <br /> 25 F. Ordinance 2000-006 re: Zoniny- and Planned Unit Developments (2nd Reading). <br /> 26 Motion by Hodson to approve the second reading of Ordinance 2000-006, an Ordinance Relating <br /> 27 to Zoning and Planned Unit Developments; Amending Section 1655 of the St. Anthony Code of <br /> 28 Ordinances in its Entirety. <br /> 29 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 30 G. Resolution 00-041 re: Authorize Physical Needs Assessment for all City Facilities. <br /> 31 Cavanaugh stated that this issue has been discussed at a worksession, and that he would suggest <br /> 32 adding Tires Plus to the list to study. <br />