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JUN. -20' 001TUEj 13: 24 CITY OF ST. ANTHON TEL:612 1181 9323 P-. 62 <br /> Date: 41,f, p dG}� <br /> Fee: <br /> R-1 , . . . . , $ 60.00 <br /> Other . $100.00 <br /> CITY OF ST, ANTHONY VII LAGF <br /> Petition for Variance <br /> Richard Graff <br /> 68 E Golden Lake Rd <br /> Circle Pines,MN 55014-1725 <br /> Applicant: E C AA E Q G , E 9P F F Phone: Gi �2 78l 4 4 19 9 <br /> Address: , �°��f _ 15! TA Aye jE, <br /> Status of Applicant (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, etc.): Cl We R <br /> Legal Description of property proposed for variance: n f-,o.19r —3 Hy f'6.7g <br /> Street Address: 3/o I --2 9 T J� h 0,3 N , <br /> Presently Zoned: L-. Iry J- ka(1-S h- / <br /> Minnesota Statutes and City Ordinances require that the following conditions must be satisfied <br /> •for approval of this request. Please respond to these conditions using additional sheets if <br /> .iecessary, <br /> 1. Because of the particular physical-surroundings, shape, or topographical conditions of <br /> the parcel or lot, the proposed variance would relieve an undue hardship, as <br /> distinguished from a mere inconvenience, should the applicable ordinance be strictly <br /> enforced. <br /> 2. The purpose of the proposed variance is not based exclusively upon a desire to increase <br /> the value or income potential of the.parcel of land, but would norrect extraordinaZI <br /> circumstances applicable to this property but not applicable to other property in the <br /> vicinity or zoning district. <br /> 3. The alleged difficulty or hardship is caused by the City Ordinance and has not been <br /> created by any persons presently having an interest in the parcel of land. <br /> Signature Applicant <br />