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PL PACKET 08152000
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> July 18, 2000 <br /> Page 9 <br /> • <br /> 1 Mr. Higgins continued by stating that he hoped that the residents could have input to the decision <br /> 2 of decorative lighting. Melsha noted that the way for residents to get involved with the decision <br /> 3 . is to,attend the meetings and to speak to the Commission to provide input and opinions. <br /> 4 Thomas mentioned that soon there will be a citywide neighborhood get together, and that such <br /> 5 night out could bean excellent time to promote discussions regarding the street lighting. <br /> 6 Hanson inquired if the Commission had a deadline for a final decision on the design. Mr. <br /> 7 Hubmer responded that a final decision would be optimal for presentation to the City Council at <br /> 8 the August 22, 2000 meeting. <br /> 9 Hatch mentioned a possibility of putting up a display at the VillageFest celebration to provide <br /> 10 for public information and input. <br /> 11 Tillmann mentioned that the Parks Commission was planning on putting up a display for the <br /> 12 current proposed plans of the redevelopment of Central Park. She mentioned the possibility of <br /> 13 .putting the lighting display close to the Parks Commission's display. <br /> 14 Mr. Hubmer suggested a consensus on the type or style of the lighting and to continue from that <br /> 15 point. However, he wanted to caution the Commission about providing for too much light in the <br /> 16 residential areas. He has noted concerns from residents regarding lights close to the house and <br /> 07 providing for disruption in the residential areas. <br /> 18 Mr. Jim McNeely, 2921 33rd Avenue, stated that he was disappointed that the notice that was <br /> 19 mailed to the residents invited the residents to attend the meeting at 7:00 p.m., and noted that the <br /> 20 lighting issue was placed nearly last on the agenda. Additionally, Mr. McNeely noted that there <br /> 21 was not adequate seating for the residents that did attend because of high attendance for another <br /> 22 issue at the meeting. He stated that if the Commission wished to encourage attendance for input, <br /> 23 that the item be placed closer to the beginning of the meeting as well as provide for appropriate <br /> 24 seating. <br /> 25 Mr. Hubmer clarified that all the residents on MSA state-aid roads were invited to the meeting to <br /> 26 provide input, and he noted his appreciation of the input the Commission has received from the <br /> 27 residents in attendance. 'His hope was that the lighting chosen for 29th Avenue would be <br /> 28 incorporated into the plan for the rest of the'City. Mr. Hubmer stated that this was the beginning <br /> 29 phase of considering options for the City and noted that this was an open format to express input. <br /> 30 Mr. Hubmer noted that it would appear an extra meeting would be in order to address this issue. <br /> 31 Some residents from the audience noted that lower-level lighting was the preferred choice. <br /> 32 One resident inquired about the deadline of August 22, 2000 and how the Commission was <br /> 33 planning on obtaining input that the lighting chosen would be the lighting of choice for the entire <br /> �4 community. Bergstrom responded that a possible mailing would be in order announcing a public <br /> 35 meeting about street lighting. <br />
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