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• Page 3 <br /> 1 "Fallback Uses" was renamed "Interim Uses" in Exhibit A. These include <br /> 2 warehousing, wholesaling, distribution, fabrication, light manufacturing, assembly, <br /> 3 processing and similar uses that are not incident or accessory to the permitted uses <br /> 4 described above and that they shall be allowed as interim uses for ten years-after the <br /> 5 date of adoption of the ordinance. Exhibit A also adds under "Interim Uses" is the <br /> 6 following: "If any of these uses remain after this period, and the Applicant has <br /> 7 completed all of its obligations regarding all landscaping, exterior improvements, <br /> 8 drainage improvements and signage as required under the "Minimum Plan" as set out <br /> 9 in the PUD narrative, these uses shall become permitted uses within the Silver Lake <br /> 10 Centre development.". <br /> 11 Shardlow referred to Exhibit O but indicated Exhibits I, J, and K are more indicative of <br /> 12 Hillcrest's intentions for the building. <br /> . 13 Shardlow continued to read Exhibit A with the following: "None of these businesses'or <br /> 14 activities will cause exterior image or character of the Centre to be downgraded, or <br /> 15 have any adverse effects on the surrounding neighborhood. The Centre will include all <br /> 16 necessary loading areas and mechanical equipment as regulated by the PUD.". In <br /> 17 conclusion, Exhibit A states that the existing Herbergers store may stay for a period of <br /> 18 8 years. <br /> •19 When asked about differences in the "Preferred Plan" and the "Interim " <br /> e un Plan as it <br /> 20 relates to Tax Increment Financing (TIF), Mr. Shardlow responded that Hillcrest was <br /> 21 presented an incentive to reach a value for the project, and the higher the value of the <br /> 22 property, the higher TIF they will receive. If they reach the "Preferred Plan" they will <br /> 23 receive all of the TIF. He reminded the Commissioners and audience that Hillcrest will <br /> 24 spend $6 million of their own money toward the concept plan, but of course, cannot <br /> 25 guaranty a definitive set of improvements. <br /> 26 Commissioner Tillmann asked Mr. Shardlow if existing businesses can remain and if <br /> 27 they will be under the new or old uses. Shardlow stated that the process would be <br /> 28 reviewed and that Hillcrest needs other uses than permitted uses, as outlined in Exhibit <br /> 29 A and the PUD in the event leasing does not reach its anticipated high. <br /> 30 Commissioner Thomas wondered if Hillcrest could use TIF if they use the Interim <br /> 31 Uses. Shardlow indicated TIF is driven by the value created by marketing the <br /> 32 property. Thomas then asked if Exhibit A meant that no Interim Uses would be used <br /> 33 for 10 years. Shardlow responded that if Hillcrest is not successful in leasing all of the <br /> 34 properties, then that is when the Interim Uses would begin. <br /> 35 Commissioner Melsha wondered who came up with the 10 years and Shardlow <br /> X36 indicated he did. He again emphasized that Hillcrest is obligated to do the <br /> 7 improvements to the property, as stated in the PUD. <br />