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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> July 25, 2000 <br /> • Page 4 <br /> 1 Horst inquired about the specific objections of the residents and the details of the <br /> . 2 proposed expansion of the facility. <br /> 3 Thuesen noted that there had been discussion at the Planning Commission meeting that <br /> 4 sidewalks were considered as part of the request. Mr. Hatch explained that sidewalks <br /> 5 were discussed; however, it was determined that the Planning Commission was not <br /> 6 comfortable imposing a sidewalk restriction on the applicants. <br /> 7 Sparks inquired if the City had the ability to deny a specific request due to the fact that <br /> .8 there are several similar-type car washes in the area. Attorney Jerry Gilligan noted that <br /> 9 it would not be appropriate for the City to deny a legitimate request based on the fact that <br /> 10 there were other car washes in the area. <br /> 11 Cavanaugh noted for the applicants that the City is planning on installing sidewalks on <br /> 12 the east side of that area, and he would hope that at some point, the applicants would <br /> 13 consider installing sidewalks. <br /> 14 Hodson inquired about clarification about the recycling of the ground water. Consultant <br /> 15 Charles Habiger noted that the water would be recycled through the storm sewer and <br /> 6 subsequently through Pigs Eye. <br /> 17 Motion by Hodson to approve Resolution 00-060, a Resolution Relating to a Request for <br /> 18 a Conditional Use Permit for 3813 Stinson Boulevard, wherein the City Council (in <br /> 19 agreement with the findings of the Planning Commission at their July 18, 2000 Meeting), <br /> 20 hereby approves the request fora conditional use permit at 3813 Stinson Boulevard. <br /> 21 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 22 [return to item V. "Proclamations and Recognitions" on the agenda] <br /> 23 V. PROCLAMATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS. <br /> 24 A. Appreciation Plaque will be Presented to Jim Wilke,Patriots Marching Band. <br /> 25 Mayor Cavanaugh introduced Mr. Jim Wilke and certain students and members of the <br /> 26 marching band. <br /> 27 Several students and members of the marching band approached the Council and <br /> 28 audience and announced their appreciation and support on behalf of the entire band for <br /> 29 Mr. Wilke's 31 years of service and presented Mr. Wilke with a special gift for his <br /> 30 dedication. <br /> • <br />