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PL PACKET 08152000
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PL PACKET 08152000
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PL PACKET 08152000
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> July 18, 2000 <br /> Page 5 <br /> • <br /> 1 and inquired if the applicants could tie in the style and coloring with the renovation of Apache <br /> 2 Plaza. <br /> 3 Bergstrom noted that the final plans'for Apache have not been presented at this time; however, <br /> 4 Tillmann noted that much of the appearance of the proposed car wash facility seemed to tie in <br /> 5 with the Apache Plaza plans as noted to this date. <br /> 6 Thomas wondered if the Commission could incorporate into the permit application an upgrade to <br /> 7 the existing building. Additionally, he inquired if Mr. Habiger had met with the Silver Lake <br /> 8 Homeowners Association and Mr. Habiger responded that he spoke with Mr. Douglas Jones (a <br /> 9 member of the Homeowners Association) by telephone. Mr. Jones at that time did not see the <br /> 10 need to meet with the neighborhood as a whole. <br /> 11 Bergstrom introduced Douglas Jones, 2505 Silver Lane NE, and invited him to address the <br /> 12 Commission. Mr. Jones noted that the applicant's facility would be the fifth such facility in the <br /> 13 area. His concern is that the City and community should control the facilities that are added to <br /> 14 the community. However, Mr. Jones noted that Roger and Hadi Abou-Mourad are excellent <br /> 15 businessmen, and would work well with the community. <br /> 16 Additionally, Mr. Jones noted that the Planning Commission and City Council should at some <br /> 17 point consider the need for sidewalks in the area. He believed it would be appropriate to set <br /> 08 aside land for a sidewalk use so that signage and curb.cuts are allowed for in the area. He <br /> 19 continued by stating that there is two-lane traffic on the street close by, and that there are not any <br /> 20 sidewalks. <br /> 21 Mr. Jones clarified that he would like to see sidewalks on the East Side of Stinson. <br /> 22 Jim Higgins, 2712 St. Anthony Boulevard, spoke to the Commission and stated that he would <br /> 23 like to see the Planning Commission require certain green space in all future projects. <br /> 24 Mr. Jones noted that Mr. Higgins made an excellent point and stated that it might be a good idea <br /> 25 to drain the impervious area in the applicant's facility into a grassy area because the storm sewer <br /> 26 that runs along that area goes directly into Silver Lake. <br /> 27 Chair Bergstrom requested additional input from the audience, and hearing none, closed the <br /> 28 public hearing at 7:57 p.m. and requested comments from the Commissioners. <br /> 29 Tillmann noted that she was concerned about the hours of operation of the proposed facility. <br /> 30 Additionally, she approved of the idea of sidewalks in the area. _ <br /> 31 Thomas noted that he agreed with the sidewalk suggestion and that the existing property be <br /> 32 upgraded and that some type of decorative lighting be incorporated into the facility. Thomas <br /> 33 believed that the attractiveness of the area needed to be improved. <br /> 034 Stille noted that because the facility s enclosed, he believed there were certain requirements the <br /> ty q <br /> 35 facility would need to meet with regard to water issues. Additionally, Stille agreed with . <br />
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