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CC PACKET 01111983
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CC PACKET 01111983
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12/30/2015 3:48:14 PM
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12/30/2015 3:47:55 PM
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CC PACKET 01111983
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• -2- <br /> Motion by Councilman Letourneau and seconded by Councilman Ranallo to <br /> approve payment of $9 , 621. 86 to Matheny Construction for their services <br /> on the St. Anthony Boulevard Bridge Project. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> A plaque of appreciation for the City ' s support of the St. Anthony <br /> High School All Class Reunion, October 15th and 16th , was presented <br /> to Mayor Sundland by James Thill , 5961 Benjamin Street N.E. ; Peter <br /> Beberg 3931 10th Avenue N. , Anoka; and Linda Prentis , 8376 Greenwood <br /> Drive , members of the reunion steering committee . Mayor Sundland <br /> accepted the plaque "with pride" indicating he perceives all Council <br /> members thoroughly enjoyed their participation in the event. <br /> John Rose, who was recently reelected to the Minnesota State Legisla- <br /> ture and who represents St. Anthony , indicated he was present to dis- <br /> cuss the impact actions taken by the legislators during the special <br /> session might have on the City . He said that, as painful as the budget <br /> cuts the legislature had taken might be , he believes unallotting by <br /> the Governor would have been much more disastrous for local govern- <br /> ments and probably inappropriate to have the executive branch , rather <br /> than the legislative doing the cutting. As an example , Representative <br /> Rose said the St. Anthony school district would have been cut $162 . 60 <br /> per student under the allotting process , where only $17 .90 was cut <br /> by the legislature. <br /> Councilman Marks mentioned that local as well as state employees had <br /> been concerned by the pension cuts which were made and he -won IeTre4 - <br /> whether the entire program of budget cuts would be nullified if the <br /> P .E. R.A. lawsuit against the cuts were successful . Representative <br /> Rose replied that, with a sixty-one million dollar shortage , the <br /> budget probably wouldn ' t be balanced at the end of the biennium as <br /> required by law, since there are very few options remaining before <br /> January 1st. He said even the DFL legislators had recognized it <br /> would be preferable for public employees to make between $500 and <br /> $600 payments to their own pension plans than to have 35 ,000 public <br /> employees laid off if the -P .E.R.A. cut had not been made . He would <br /> return periodically to report on matters which affect the City , <br /> Representative Rose promised . <br /> Certificates of Appreciation for approximately three years of service <br /> each on the Planning Commission, were presented by the Mayor to Ray <br /> Sopcinski and Irvin Peterson who had indicated they would be unable <br /> to continue that service in 1983 . The Mayor told them he only hopes <br /> the City would be able to replace them with persons who are as competent <br /> and who would aid the planning process to the extent they have . <br /> Councilman Ranallo gave the highlights of his attendance at the National <br /> Conference of Cities in Los Angeles , California in November and indicated <br /> he would like to see all Council members able to attend conferences <br /> informative as this had been. The Councilman reported President Rea- <br /> gan 's message to the conference had been that cities must help <br /> themselves and not rely on either the state or national governments <br /> • during a budget crunch. One of the points made by other conferees , <br /> Councilman Ranallo reported, had been that the City has to be certain <br />
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