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MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR <br /> PROVIDING TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE IN <br /> LABOR MANAGEMENT RELATIONS TO CITIES <br /> 1 . The League of Minnesota cities ( LMC) , acting for itself and on <br /> behalf of the Association of Metropolitan - Municipalities (AMM) <br /> and ,'c`ities which subscribe to the special subscriber labor <br /> relations service herein described, hereby enters into a program <br /> of technical assistance-An labor management relations to be <br /> provided by Labor Relations Associates, Inc . , hereinafter known <br /> as the Consultant. <br /> 2 . GENERAL LMC, MEMBERSHIP SERVICE <br /> A. The Con.s'ultant, upon consultation with the staff of the <br /> League , and the concurrence of the League as a subject <br /> matter , will prepare not less than eight ( 8 ) original <br /> articles suitable for. publication in the monthly Minnesota <br /> Cities, and will revise and update the LMC memo GUIDE FOR <br /> PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT LABOR RELATIONS , explaining in layman ' s <br /> language the provisions .of appropriate state statutes <br /> governing relations between local government employers and <br /> employees, the rules and regulations of PERB and the Bureau <br /> of Mediation Services, and a representative sampling of <br /> arbitration decisions . Additionally, the Consultant will <br /> note and comment upon current state and national trends and <br /> patterns in public sector labor management relations <br /> generally. All work products ( such as correspondence , legal <br /> briefs, arbitration decisions, evaluations, research reports ) <br /> collected or otherwise developed in conjunction with the <br /> services outlined herein shall remain the property of the <br /> League and not of the Consultant. <br /> B . The Consultant will provide general advice and assistance to <br /> city officials concerning their individual labor relations <br /> problems by telephone and correspondence . Additionally, any <br /> League member not a subscriber will be entitled to one <br /> personal conference without charge during the lifetime of <br /> this Agreement so long as that conference is held in the <br /> Consultant' s office or some mutually convenient site in the <br /> Twin Cities metropolitan area . <br /> C. The Consultant will provide advice and assistance to the <br /> League, its Board of Directors, its staff, and its committees <br /> concerning state and federal legislation governing relations <br /> between local government employers and employees. <br /> • -1- <br />