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AGREEMENT WHEREAS, there may be, but not necessarily are, <br /> utilities located in the utilities easement and under the <br /> THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into as of the improvements; and <br /> day of January, 1983, by and between CITY OF ST. ANTHONY, a WHEREAS, the parties now desire to provide for the <br /> municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota necessary measures in the event that the same are necessary for <br /> (hereinafter called the 'City"), and OSBORNE PROPERTIES, a the maintenance or repair of the utilities located on or <br /> Minnesota limited partnership (hereinafter called "Osborne contained in such utilities easement. <br /> Properties"); NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing <br /> WITNESSETH, THAT: premises and in consideration of the mutual covenants and <br /> WHEREAS, Osborne Properties is the fee title owner of agreements herein contained, the parties hereto hereby agree as <br /> that certain tract of real property located in Hennepin County, follows: <br /> Minnesota, legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and 1. The City hereby grants to Osborne Properties the <br /> hereby made a part hereof (hereinafter called the "Subject perpetual right to use, maintain, repair and replace those <br /> Premises"); certain present improvements consisting of a building and <br /> WHEREAS, the City is the holder of a utilities concrete sidewalk (hereinafter called "Improvements") located <br /> easement in, on, over and across a portion of the Subject upon that portion of the Subject Premises subject to the above- <br /> Premises by reservation contained in that certain Clerk's described utilities .easement (hereinafter called the "Easement <br /> Certificate on Completion of Proceeding-to Vacate Public Area") and to encroach upon the Easement Area for the foregoing <br /> Street, dated June 26, 1959, and filed on July 1, 1959, in the purposes. <br /> office of the Hennepin County Recorder as Document No. 3184160; 2. In the event that access to the Easement Area is <br /> WHEREAS, pursuant to Building Permit No. 2072 issued necessary for maintenance or repair of the utilities, if any, <br /> on September 4, 1979 by the City, Osborne Properties <br /> located thereon or contained therein and such access would <br /> constructed certain improvements upon that portion of the necessitate tunnelling under or the temporary removal or <br /> Subject Premises subject to such utilities easement; alteration of some or all of the Improvements, the City shall <br /> WHEREAS, the City has permitted Osborne Properties to give written notice thereof to Osborne Properties and Osborne <br /> continue to maintain such improvements; and <br /> -2- <br />