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-6- <br /> Councilman Makowske.'-queried Mr. Frank regarding -setting precedent in <br /> approving the request for four stories on the site.. She questioned <br /> whether future plans for the Health Center might include adding stories is <br /> onto the present building. Mr. Frank responded that. the present one <br /> and two story buildings are not structurally capable of an additional. <br /> one or two stories . <br /> In answer to Mayor Sundland' s question concerning how the proposed - <br /> building would compare in site line with the existing building, Mr. <br /> Frank indicated that Chandler Drive drops down along 37th so inevitably <br /> the building will appear higher on Chandler. <br /> Councilman Enrooth wanted further clarification on the drainage problem <br /> mentioned in the City Manager's July 19th memorandum. Mr. Frank stated <br /> the Rice Creek Watershed District wants a drainage pond at the site <br /> and the architect will comply . In addition, there will be overflow <br /> into' the storm sewer off Chandler . The architect proceeded to demon- <br /> strate how his company will construct the drainage. -system on a large <br /> drawing of the plans he had brought to the meeting . He also indicated <br /> on the drawing that the proposed building will consist of four stories <br /> until it reaches the east and north side where it will be, in effect, a <br /> five story building containing a walkout on the bottom floor. <br /> Motion by Councilman Ranallo and seconded by Councilman Enrooth to <br /> accept the Planning Commission recommendation to approve the conditional <br /> use request from St. Anthony Health Center, 3700 Foss, Road N.E . , for <br /> the construction of an 84 unit apartment complex to be built on the <br /> vacant property immediately west of the Rest Home on County Road "D" • <br /> and variance requests for 4 stories or 42 feet , when 3 stories are <br /> allowed by Ordinance and 149 units where 119 are allowed by the City <br /> Zoning Ordinance , finding , as did the Planning Commission, that : <br /> 1 . The three conditions required by the City Ordinance in granting a <br /> conditional use permit have been satisfied. <br /> 2 . That the three findings required for the granting of variances have <br /> been made. <br /> 3. No opposition to the request was received. <br /> 4 . The proposal is for market rate semi-independent living apartments <br /> in conjunction with the existing 65 unit nursing facility and the <br /> applicants have addressed: <br /> a., unit size (.650+ to 800 square feet) ; <br /> b. street access. - service access and turn around; <br /> C. joint use of parking; <br /> d. soils and site drainage; <br /> e . :, shared facilities; <br /> f.. :, health and safety provisions, including fire protection; <br /> g-. handicapped access; <br /> h . building height :(not to exceed 42 feet at grade-) ;. <br /> i... building appearance; • <br /> j . landscaping; <br /> k'. floor .area ratio - and open space. ; <br /> 5 .'' The building height adequately allows open space and the siting <br /> addresses a unique soil and- drainage problem. <br />