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CC PACKET 01241989
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CC PACKET 01241989
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12/30/2015 4:34:46 PM
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12/30/2015 4:34:31 PM
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CC PACKETS 1987-1989
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CC PACKET 01241989
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1 Mr. DiSanto told Commissioner Werenicz that he expected some tenant <br /> 2 resistance to the uniform signage at the outset, but if experience with • <br /> 3 other centers hold true to form, he really didn't envision a lot of <br /> 4 temporary signs remaining up on the fascia once that "new look" is <br /> 5 complete. He perceived those store owners who are at first reluctant <br /> 6 would eventually feel out of place with signage less attractive than <br /> 7 their neighbors. The center spokesman said he knew all those tenants <br /> 8 recognized the value of good signage and would think they would want to <br /> 9 "jump on the band wagon" as soon as their neighbors but conceded that <br /> 10 might not be true of every one of them. He said he could make no <br /> 11 promises that compliance would come easily. Mr. Disanto indicated the <br /> 12 bulk rate would be offered to each tenant to order signage from the <br /> 13 Dallas sign company but each would be given the option of contracting <br /> 14 for his own sign as long as it conformed to the specifications for <br /> 15 lettering and fit on the anchor bolts on the fascia. He also indicated <br /> 16 the Eberhardt people would be "out in full force" after final approval <br /> 17 to inform the existing tenants that the Commission had given preliminary <br /> 18 approval to the concept and if final approval by the Council follows, <br /> 19 uniform signage would be enforced come April. Mr. Johnson indicated <br /> 20 he had held a first meeting to present the plan to at least 90% of the <br /> 21 tenants and the second meeting would just reconfirm that the sign plan <br /> 22 is going into effect and to work out specific lettering for each store. <br /> 23 When Commissioner Werenicz asked for guidance related to what he <br /> 24 perceived would be a reasonable time limit for getting the temporary <br /> 25 removed, Mr. Disanto said he thought the tenants should at least be <br /> 26 allowed three or four months after April to make up their minds because <br /> 27 he perceived many of the merchants they would be dealing with might not • <br /> 28 be in a financial position to put up -the new signage right away and it <br /> 29 might not be fair to force them to comply any sooner. <br /> 30 No one present responded to the Chair's invitation to speak either pro <br /> 31 or con related to the variance and he closed the hearing at 9:00 P.M. <br /> 32 Motion by Franzese, seconded by Madden to recommend the City Council <br /> 33 grant a variance from the City's Sign Ordinance to the Eberhardt Co. <br /> 34 on behalf of the St. Anthony Shopping Center for a - 6 foot, 6 inch by 6 <br /> 35 foot, 1 inch (total 39.6 square foot) tenant directory sign to be <br /> 36 mounted on the northwest wall of the former Brown Photo location facing <br /> 37 Kenzie Terrace as shown in the drawing in the Planning Commission's <br /> 38 January 17, 1989 agenda packet. <br /> 39 Included in the variance would be: <br /> 40 1. The allowance of the new 260 foot pylon sign for the center also <br /> 41 included in the agenda packet which would be 40 square feet below the . <br /> 42 maximum allowed size, and <br /> 43 2. Signage criteria for the center tenants which will be used in <br /> 44 conjunction with the new sign band for buildings which would allow <br /> 45 only individual lettering and has limits on the size and number of <br /> 46 signs. <br /> 10 • <br />
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