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I Planning Commission Meeting <br /> 2 December 15, 1992 • <br /> 3 Page Foust <br /> 4 <br /> 5 <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Mr. Tanner said Mr. Hamer had infonned him about the hardships he would have to <br /> 8 demonstrate to get his proposal approved. He admitted the only hardship he could cite was <br /> 9 the opportunity to increase the economic value of his property acid to decrease the costs of <br /> 10 maintaining such a large lot. However, he wondered whether the fact that St. Anthony would <br /> 11 derive more taxes from the single family home night make a difference. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 Conunissioner Gondorchin agreed with Commissioner Murphy that it would be helpful to <br /> 14 know the potential for redevelopment of 65 foot lots in St. Anthony before making any <br /> 15 decision on the proposed 65 foot lot resulting from the proposed lot split. He said lie had to <br /> 16 agree with Mr. Tanner's assessment of the kind of hardship involved in this proposal because <br /> 17 he perceived there had been no demonstration that this land couldn't be put to reasonable use <br /> 18 without splitting. Commissioner Madden told the Tanners lie envied their having such a <br /> 19 large, beautiful lot. He also agreed that the requirement to demonstrate hardship could <br /> 20 probably not be satisfied with their proposal. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 Commissioner Madden told the Tanners lie envied their having such a large beautiful lot. He <br /> 23 also agreed that the requirement to demonstrate hardship would probably not be satisfied with <br /> 24 their proposal. <br /> 25 <br /> 26 Commissioner Werenicz said he perceived that by splitting their property the Tanners would <br /> 27 only be creating two substandard lots. He said he wasn't bothered by a single family <br /> 28 residence on an interior lot as much as the fact that the resultant comer lot with a duplex on it • <br /> 29 would be so undersized as compared to the corner lots in St. Anthony which are built to code. <br /> 30 The Commissioner concluded by saying if the proposal came before the Connumission in the <br /> 31 fonn of a formal application, he would have no choice but to oppose it. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Commissioner Thompson said the Tanners appeared to him to be good property owners for <br /> 34 the City and said he didn't see too much wrong with he proposal himself unless it could be a <br /> 35 case of setting a bad precedent. He said he would only sympathize with Mr. Tanner trying to <br /> 36 maintain a comer lot because he had one like it himself. <br /> 37 <br /> 38 Chair Faust indicated there were good reasons involving health, welfare and safety for <br /> 39 requiring 14,000 square feet for a comer lot with a duplex which Ire perceived had been <br /> 40 validated many times over the years. He also said lie would not be in favor of the split should <br /> 41 it ever come before the Commission as an application because he couldn't see how the three <br /> 42 statutory requirements for variances could be satisfied by the proposal before the <br /> 43 Commissioners that evening. The Chair complimented the Tanners on the manner in which <br /> 44 they had maintained their property assuming that they were aware it was only good business <br /> 45 to do so. Chair Faust concluded by saying lie perceived this was another example of where <br /> 46 having concept reviews precede formal applications had proved to be the best policy. <br /> 47 <br />