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1 Planning Commission Meeting <br /> 2 December 15, 1992 • <br /> 3 Page Six <br /> 4 <br /> 5 <br /> 6 <br /> 7 V1. C. Discussion with City Attorney <br /> 8 <br /> 9 1. Legal Definition of Hardship <br /> 10 <br /> 11 Mr. Soth arrived at 8:30 p.m. and indicated he had come to shed some light on issues which <br /> 12 Coirutussioners had indicated a need for further guidance. Copies of i nfomnation from the <br /> 13 Attorney as provided the Commission in October and November had been included in the <br /> 14 agenda packets that evening. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 The City Attorney indicated what the City was trying to do with the new code was to clean up <br /> 17 the ordinance on variances to snake it clearly track the state statutes governing the issuance of <br /> 18 variances. After reading aloud those provisions which established requirements for allowing <br /> 19 variances, Mr. Soth commented that it would certainly be more advantageous for city councils <br /> 20 not to have to follow those requirements so closely. He said it would give cities more <br /> 21 flexibility and opportunity for using their own discretion if those requirements weren't so <br /> 22 restrictive. However, he said there have been bills introduced in the Legislature which could <br /> 23 loosen up the procedures and make them more flexible. Unfortunately, as the law now stands <br /> 24 the City Attorney indicated St. Anthony doesn't have much discretion when it comes to <br /> 25 variances. Instead, variances can only be granted if the City makes the required findings for <br /> 26 granting them. <br /> 27 <br /> 28 2. Accessory Structure Permit Options • <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Chair Faust told the City Attorney he anticipated the garage issue to become a very difficult <br /> 31 one for St. Anthony which has so many single garages where new housing-standards call for <br /> 32 double structures. Mr. Soth reviewed the three options he had discussed in the information <br /> 33 the Commission had been provided in November, reiterating that the third, the issuance of <br /> 34 setback permits for garages was one he had come up with for another community with the <br /> 35 same problem. He pointed out that the City could retain all the control it wanted with this <br /> 36 option since the applicant would have to meet certain criteria for a particular setback for a <br /> 37 garage without a variance. Those criteria were set forth in the materials provided in the he <br /> 38 agenda packet. The City Attorney reiterated that this was the procedure which could be <br /> 39 followed if the City wanted to review the pennnits before granting therm. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 The advantages of granting setback permits versus just establishing setbacks in the ordinance <br /> 42 were explored as well as the problems with allowing front yard garages. There was also <br /> 43 discussion of whether the permit option would work umstead of a specific parking ordinance. <br /> 44 Mr. Soth indicated lie perceived it would be necessary to set up the same sort of criteria which <br /> 45 the applicant would have to meet before such a pennit was issued. <br /> 46 <br /> 47 Mr. Urbia commented that the ordinance to allow setback permits for garages would probably <br /> 48 remain stationary until people began wanting to add three car garages but lie perceived the <br /> 49 parking permit ordinance might generate too much business for staff to h:undle as people sold <br /> 50 and bought different types of recreational vehicles. It was agreed that Commissioners would <br /> 51 have to plan to devote a meeting without much business to determine just what criteria would <br /> 52 have to be established to address changing trends in garages and recreational vehicles. <br />