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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 22, 1.994 <br /> Page 11 <br /> 1 Bill Mackey, CUB Foods, stated that they look forward to getting the project <br /> 2 under construction. He said CUB was pleased with the reception they received at <br /> 3 the Planning Commission meeting last week. He feels there is a lot of support in <br /> 4 the community for the project. CUB appreciates the support and looks forward to <br /> 5 working with St. Anthony. <br /> 6 Kim Johnson, 3304 Skycroft Drive, reported that earlier this year, he served on <br /> 7 the Economic Redevelopment Task Force Commission. Their mission was to <br /> 8 look at undeveloped or underdeveloped areas in St. Anthony. He stated that his <br /> 9 initial personal view at the time, was that_Apache Plaza would best be suited for <br /> 10 residential purposes. He has since changed his mind. He fully supports the <br /> 11 redevelopment project now. He states he is also a member of the school board. <br /> 12 Apache Plaza is a major contributor in the school abatement. He supports the <br /> 13 City Council and thanked them for their leadership in this project. He stated that <br /> 14 he has met with several members of the school board and they are in full support <br /> 15 of the CUB Foods and Knox Lumber project. They feel it is best for the city, the <br /> 16 school district and the general community. <br /> 17 Ranallo stated that the City Council will be working week to get the <br /> petition withdrawn and get the residents on the lake to agree to some other plan. <br /> To date,the City has obligated$250,000 to improve lake quality by 20% and <br /> 20 catch 75-78% of Apache Plaza run-off with the proposed 3 ponds. He reported <br /> 21 that this is the maximum monetary amount the City can afford. Until now, all TIF <br /> 22 programs have been funded for ten years. This project, due to delays and <br /> 23 increased interest rates has been extended to 17 years. If it were allowed to go <br /> 24 any further, it would endanger the City. Ranallo assured CUB Foods and Knox <br /> 25 that something will be done next week to resolve these issues. He encouraged <br /> 26 residents of St. Anthony to talk to the homeowners on Silver Lake and ask them <br /> 27 to withdraw the petition. Ranallo commended Commissioner Horst for his article <br /> 28 to the editor of the Northeaster and the St. Anthony Bulletin. He stated that it is <br /> 29 necessary for all the citizens of St. Anthony to put the benefits of the entire <br /> 30 community before the benefits of one person. <br /> 31 Jim Hoska, 3209 31st Avenue N.E., thanked the City Council, City Attorney and <br /> 32 Planning Commission for all the work they have done for this project. He <br /> 33 encouraged the City Council to get Apache "up and running". <br /> 34 B. Mayor. <br /> 35 Mayor Ranallo reported that this year is St. Anthony's 50th year anniversary. The first <br /> 36 event to be held in celebration of the anniversary will be a prayer service which will be <br /> held on January 17th. All the churches in St. Anthony will be involved in the prayer <br /> it service. He hopes that this annual prayer service will continue every year. The second <br /> 39 event will be the annual community dance, held at Apache Plaza on February 12th. <br />